NASA ’ s Website highlights interesting studies and observations linked to the Covid - 19 Pandemic. Observa tions of the air, land, water, and climate. Observations include heat patterns, weather patterns, and nitrogen dioxide levels. Interesting connections to share with your students.
Seeing the Covid - 19 pandemic from space over parts of California from various perspectives.
https://www.nasa.gov/feature/seeing - the - covid - 19 - pandemic - from - space
This site explores the possible seasonal cycle of Covid - 19 when compared to other seasonal viruses.
https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/covid - seasonality
Can the Coronavirus impact our environment? This link shares how it is and how it is not.
https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/blogs/earthmatters/2020/03/05/how - the - coronavirus - is - and - is - not affecting - the - environment/ This link shares how engineers at NASA ’ Jet Propulsion Lab in California got to work to bolster the invento ry for ventilators. Learn how they addressed this dire need without undermining the normal supply chain for parts.
Nitrogen Dioxide levels decline and rebound in China. Find out why and what this means when the levels go up or go down. https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/146741/nitrogen - dioxide - levels - rebound - in - china#:~:text=In% 20early%20February%202020%2C%20scientists,and%20much%20of%20its%20economy.
Virginia Mathematics Teacher vol. 47, no. 1
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