
Challenge 5: Let two four - digit numbers match if they are composed of the same set of four digits in any order. For example, 0076 and 7060 match because each number has two 0’ s, one 6, and one 7. If two four - digit numbers are selected randomly from the integers 0000 to 9999, what is the probability that the two numbers match?

Challenge 6: Trapezoid is inscribed in a circle of area 2020 π. Edge AD passes through the center of the circle, and the length of the edge AB is half the length of AD. What is the area of the trapezoid?

Please be sure to state your assumptions as you solve each problem. Answers to the 47(1) Hexa Challenge Problems will be featured in the 47(2) issue of Virginia Mathematics Teacher.

Contest Alert!

Virginia Mathematics Teacher is conducting a contest for educators and students who can solve the great est number of problems correctly by 6/1/2021. The winner will receive a prize and will be featured in the next issue of the VMT. Send your solu

tions to vmt@radford.edu with the email subject line: Hexa Challenge

Virginia Mathematics Teacher vol. 47, no. 1


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