compass tool can be confused with the circle tool since both images have similar looking circles. For example, when constructing nonoverlapping con gruent circles, the compass tool must be used or the circles will not be congruent. Second, the grid background can be seen as a limitation because it does not adjust for different dimensions by zoom ing in and out like the grid background on the Des mos Graphing Calculator. Third, there is limited capability to share geometric figures by sharing a link, because Desmos Geometry does not allow exporting images or printing of images like the Desmos Graphing Calculator. Desmos may address these shortcomings in a future releases so that the same capabilities are in both the Desmos Graphing Calculator and Desmos Geometry. Desmos Geometry is an excellent resource for teachers to use during instructions to increase all students ’ engagement and discourse. It also pro vides opportunity for students to explore geometric concepts, postulates and theorems. As stated by NCTM (2007), “ The tasks in which students en gage, the classroom environment and tools availa ble, and the nature of the classroom discourse all play parts in developing students ’ sense making and reasoning ” (NCTM, 2007, p.7). Using the Van Hiele framework (VDOE, 2016) for structuring students ’ experiences with the use of dynamic soft ware helps to increase conceptual understanding of geometry. Students become actively engaged in the dynamic experience of the software through visual izing the concepts. Importantly, though, is Kolb ’ s (2019) claim that, “ learning with technology is not about the tools, it is about the methods the teachers use with those tools ” (p. 20). The methods through which lessons are facilitated when using technolo gy impact students ’ learning experiences. There fore, it is important for teachers to use dynamic ge ometric software in such a way that learning goes from passive to active through discovery and in quiry. Desmos. (n.d.). About Geometry. https:// www.geogebra.org/about Desmos. (n.d.). Geometry. https:// www.desmos.com/geometry Desmos. (n.d.). The Desmos Geometry Tool. https://blog.desmos.com/articles/the desmos - geometry - tool/ Conclusion References
GeoGebra. (n.d.). GeoGebra Math Apps. https:// www.geogebra.org/ Kolb, L. (2019). Smart classroom - tech integration. Educational Leadership Journal , 76 (5), 20 26. NCTM. (2007). Focus in high school mathematics: Reasoning and sense making geometry . Na tional Council of Teachers of Mathematics. VDOE. (2016). Mathematics 2016 Standards of Learning: Grade 8 Curriculum Framework . Virginia Department of Education. http:// www.doe.virginia.gov/testing/sol/ standards_docs/mathematics/2016/cf/ grade8math - cf.pdf
Kristin McKitrick - Rojas Prince William County Public Schools rojaskl@pwcs.edu
Virginia Mathematics Teacher vol. 46, no. 2
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