
High School Representative

Timothy Barnes spends his days challenging the minds of students in his statistics classroom at Powhatan High School. He inspires students through technology - enriched, discovery - based learning experiences with the primary goal of developing a desire to think mathematically. Timothy is forward thinking, devoted to continuous improvement, and contributes to the greater good of the broader learning community. Outside of school, Timothy is a husband and father of three. He enjoys music, reading, sketching, and studying prime numbers and the relationship between mathematics and music. Some of his favorite outdoor activities are hiking and tennis.

Four Year College Representative

Dr. Darryl Corey is Associate Professor and Program Coordinator of the Online Master ’ s and Certificate Program in Mathematics Education at Radford University. He has 20 years of experience leading distance - delivered graduate programs and virtual professional development opportunities for practicing mathematics teachers. His research interests include online mathematics education, teacher professional development, and culturally responsive pedagogy. He has been awarded over $1,000,000 in external funding, including state, national, and international, grants and contracts. Many of these grants have provided tuition support to of set the cost of a graduate education for over 100 Virginia mathematics teachers. Currently, Dr. Corey serves as a Staff Member for the Virginia Mathematics and Science Coalition. He served as the Local Coordinator for the 2018 VCTM Conference held at Radford University. A native of Newport News, VA he received his B.A. and M.S. from Hampton University, and his Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from Florida State University.

Math Specialist Representative

Allison DePiro is an Elementary Math Specialist for Virginia Beach City Public Schools. Mrs. DePiro is a 2018 VA finalist for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching (PAEMST). Allison has experience working with the VDOE as a Lead Developer on the Rich Mathematics Task Committee and as a Lead Trainer for the 2019 Deeper Learning Institutes. She is a part - time Educational Consultant and serves as a board member for the Tidewater Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Using her passion of research, Allison works to create and implement high - quality math experiences that promote curiosity in learning mathematics.

NCTM Representative

Skip Tyler is the High School Mathematics Educational Specialist in Henrico County. He is active in the mathematics community at local, state, and national levels and is passionate about improving mathematics instruction. His hobbies include sports, landscaping, and bourbon.

Virginia Mathematics Teacher vol. 46, no. 2


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