Math GIRLS Math Girls is a section where we share information and articles related to female empowerment in STEM. If you are interested in contributing an article or have information related to this topic, please respond to the Call for Manuscripts on page 22
How Should We Teach Girls Mathematics?
Lorraine Howard
Math identity is key to change these percentages, as it pertains to girls ’ math performance and achievement. We will first define math identity. Mathematics identity refers to a person ’ s beliefs, attitudes, emotions, and dispositions about mathe matics and their resulting motivation and approach to learning and using mathematics knowledge. It involves the ways students think about themselves in relation to mathematics, and the extent to which
Math Identity and its Importance
With 70 percent of future jobs depending on math and computational thinking skills, when surveyed, more than 50 percent of middle and high school girls planned to drop math as soon as they could. TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) found that females remain less like ly than males to be attracted to math careers (Riegle - Crumb, Moore, & Ramos - Wada, 2011).
Virginia Mathematics Teacher vol. 46, no. 2
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