2022 Ruritan Annual Report
GOLD AWARDS continued
17 Columbia Citizenship & Patriotism Chapin Gilbert Pelion Pineview Community Engagement
Membership Growth Fountain WV North River WV Spruce Mountain Public Service Augusta WV Bean Settlement Landes Mathias North Fork North River WV Romney South Branch Springfield Social Development Augusta WV Bean Settlement Dorcas Fellowsville Headsville Countryside Capon Bridge Capon Valley Fellowsville
Social Development Frankford Indian Rocks Renick 21 Bluegrass Citizenship & Patriotism Choateville Cropper Community Engagement Choateville Cropper Environment Choateville Membership Growth Bagdad Eubank Public Service Choateville Cropper Social Development Choateville Cropper 22 Tennessean Citizenship & Patriotism Bloomingdale Holston Piney Flats South Holston Vounteer Community Engagement Bloomingdale Holston Piney Flats Vounteer
South Holston Vounteer Social Development Bloomingdale Holston Piney Flats South Holston 23 Cherokee Citizenship & Patriotism Morrison Community Engagement Morrison Westside TN Environment Ballplay Tellico Morrison Membership Growth Oak Grove TN Public Service Morrison Social Development Ballplay Tellico Morrison Westside TN 24 Georgia-North Alabama Citizenship & Patriotism Kash Spring Place Community Engagement Kash Environment Kash Membership Growth County Line Public Service Bryant Kash Social Development Armuchee 26 Hermitage Citizenship & Patriotism Ramer
Chapin Gilbert Pelion Pineview Sandy Run Environment
Chapin Gilbert Pelion Pineview Sandy Run Membership Growth Chapin Pineview Sandy Run Public Service Chapin Pelion Pineview Sandy Run Social Development Chapin Pelion Pineview Sandy Run
Landes Mathias North Fork North River WV Slanesville South Branch Spruce Mountain
20 Lower West Virginia Citizenship & Patriotism Clintonville Indian Rocks Smoot Community Engagement Frankford Maxwelton
19 Upper West Virginia Citizenship & Patriotism Bean Settlement Capon Bridge Dorcas Headsville Countryside Landes North River WV Slanesville2 Community Engagement Capon Valley Landes North Fork North River WV Environment Headsville Countryside Landes
Environment Bloomingdale Butler Piney Flats Membership Growth Bloomingdale Buffalo Indian Springs TN Piney Flats South Holston St. Clair TN
Environment Indian Rocks Membership Growth
Birch River Clintonville Pipestem Public Service Clintonville Indian Rocks Lashmeet Maxwelton
Public Service Bloomingdale Butler Piney Flats
North River WV Spruce Mountain
Ruritan National 2022 Annual Report
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