partial proof 171724 Habitat Roanoke AnnualReport
H abitat for Humanity was founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child deserves a safe place to live in dignity, and have sturdy shelter in decent communities.
Habitat for Humanity in the RoanokeValley homeowners have said...
Habitat for Humanity has successfully removed the stigma of by substituting it with a sense of charity partnership.
“My kids have a place to do their homework, and they bring their friends home after school.When we lived in the apartment, they never did that!”
“If I didn’t have my house, I wouldn’t be able to keep my family together.”
“ —Jimmy Carter
“Now I can pay for something that will be for my kids to have and they can say, ‘Look what Mom did for us.’ My kids are so excited and they are looking forward to making a garden and planting flowers and to having enough space to run and play and enjoy life. I am very thankful.”
“One of our dreams was to become homeowners, and have a place we can call home where our son could grow and have a yard to play in. Right now we live in a one bedroom apartment that is run down and is not safe for children. Luckily we had the amazing news from Habitat that we were approved for a home, so from the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank everybody at Habitat for Humanity for their hard work and dedication.”
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