partial proof 171724 Habitat Roanoke AnnualReport
“We are so happy to be in America. Life in Africa is hard because of lack of food, housing and freedom. Three years ago I became an American Citizen, and my wife is preparing to become a citizen. I attendedVWCC and earned an Auto Repair Analysis License and a MaintenanceTechnology Certification. We are lucky to live in this country where we have so many opportunities.We are grateful for the chance to own a home through Habitat and raise our children in a safe place.We will work very hard to deserve this privilege.”
A hand up, not a hand out. Habitat for Humanity homeowners are empowered to overcome obstacles that might otherwise prevent their families from enjoying more fulfilling, healthier a nd more financially stable lives.
—Habitat homeowner
I will own something, and that is pride, strength and independence. “ “ —Habitat homeowner
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