National Convention 2022

2022 Convention Program Chair’s Message Welcome to Myrtle Beach, SC the site of our 90th Ruritan National Convention, your Convention Com- mittee has planned a memorable and awesome con- vention for you. As we gather this year let us remember Ruritan’s founders and their goal to make Ruritan the leading civic organization in America. Please take part in the planned activities, develop new friendships, and at- tend and participate in the workshops. We will begin with a Memorial Service, an inspiring Vesper Service, Flag Ceremony / Veterans Service and close by honoring a Gold Star Family. We will wear Red, White or Blue on Friday to celebrate our veterans and we will honor our First Lady Anne with her own dinner and show. We will take care of the business of Ruritan by voting for the National candi- dates of our choice and on bylaws issues. A very special welcome is extended to Ruritan Na- tional Convention “First Timers”. “First Timers” will have a green ribbon on their name badge. Please be sure to make them welcome. Enjoy the events and activities and please give President Linward and First Lady Anne a huge “Thank You” for their service to Ruritan the past two years. Thank you to Mike Chrisley, Sarah Kelly, Craig Whitt, the entire National Office Staff and your 2022 Con - vention Co-Chair, Stan Turner, for all their hard work to make this convention enjoyable and memorable for each of you. Your Welcoming Committee, South Carolina Ruritans and I look forward to seeing ALL of you at the beach!! In Ruritan Service, 2017 National President and 2022 Convention Chair, Danny Privott

6 2022 Commemorative Program

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