Good Reads Section Editor: Dr. Betti Kreye
In this section, we feature mathematics literature that is appropriate for K-12 Mathematics instruction. If you use specific literature for your mathematics classroom and wish to share it with the Virginia Mathematics Teacher community, please respond to the Call for Manuscripts on page 51. Adding Talk to the Equation: Discussion and Discovery in Mathematics
Dr. Betti Kreye Section Editor, Good Reads bkreye@vt.edu
This is the newest book by the author of Content Focused Coaching: Transforming Mathe- matics Lessons, and Agents of Change: How Con- tent Coaching Transforms Teaching and Learning. In this 84-page book are short reflections and uned- ited annotated transcripts of the classroom videos involving Grades 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 that are included on an accompanying DVD. As Lucy states, “dialogue is key to learning for students and teach- ers.” (p. 1). The videos capture the interaction within the classroom as Lucy applies strategies for improving classroom discourse. They are arranged in an order from classes just beginning to use the strategies to those more experienced. The videos and the transcripts could be very useful for any individual teacher who wants to improve discourse in the classroom regardless of her previous level of use of discourse moves. It would also be very use- ful for professional development of groups of teachers or study groups moving to increase the levels of discourse in their classrooms. Lucy West includes the discourse strategies of turn and talk, how did you get that, repeat that, see/think/wonder (using visuals), and the use of thumb signals. The videos show the actual applica- tion of the moves within classrooms and the writ- ten annotated transcripts give insight into Lucy’s actions and thoughts. Appendix A in the book describes turn and talk: benefits, when to use, pit- falls, and tips for facilitation. Appendix B includes discussion on other talk moves and how to apply them in the classroom. The book and DVD would be a worthwhile addition to a teacher’s, a mathe-
matics specialist’s, and a teacher educator’s re- source library.
Adding Talk to the Equation: Discussion and Dis- covery in Mathematics Lucy West Stenhouse Publishers, 2016
Review by Dr. Betti Kreye
Virginia Mathematics Teacher vol. 44, no. 1
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