Yanfeng Emp Handbook Proof
Shift preference Employees will be able to apply to work on their preferred shift under the following conditions: • A full-time opening in the employee’s desired department becomes available; • The employee has no quality and/or safety written warnings within the proceeding 6 months; • The employee has 4 or less attendance points; • The employee has not been awarded into a new position and/or a new shift within the proceeding 6 months. When shift changes are approved, a maximum 30 day training window may be applied to allow proper staff training to take place. NEPOTISM POLICY Nepotism is the practice of favoring relatives because of their relationship rather than because of their abilities; favoritism or patronage granted to relatives in business (e.g., appointment to a job.) It is the policy of the company that no “related employees” are permitted to improperly influence the hiring, work responsibilities, salary, hours, career progress, benefits, termination or other terms and conditions of employment of “related employees.” For purposes of this policy only, “related employees” are those related by blood or marriage. The following examples are only illustrations of the types of conduct that may violate policy: 1. One employee, related by blood or marriage, works directly for another. 2. If a manager or supervisor employed or promoted a relative rather than a more qualified non-relative, that manager would be violating the nepotism policy. 3. A “related employee” is assigned to a position which would permit him/her to influence, or give the appearance of influencing another “related employee’s” salary or other conditions of employment. 4. Two employees, married to each other, are in the same line of supervision (one supervises the other).
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