Yanfeng Emp Handbook Proof
CORRECTIVE ACTION The Company’s best interest lies in ensuring appropriate treatment of all employees and in making certain that corrective actions are made promptly and impartially. The major purpose of any action is to correct the problem, prevent recurrence, and prepare you for satisfactory service in the future. Although employment with YFAI is based on mutual consent and both the employee and YFAI have the right to terminate employment at will, with or without cause or advance notice, YFAI may use progressive discipline at its discretion. Before or during imposition of a discipline, employees may be given an opportunity to relate their version of the incident or problem at issue and provide any explanation or justification they consider relevant. Where appropriate, a policy of progressive corrective actions will be followed. Verbal Warning: This is a verbal warning that your conduct is unacceptable and that further infractions will lead to more severe penalties. This warning will be documented and placed in your personnel file. Written Warning: This warning will describe the unacceptable conduct or performance, and specify the improvement needed. This written warning will be documented and placed in your personnel file. Final Warning With or Without Suspension : The length of the suspension will vary based on such factors as the severity of the infraction, your performance and disciplinary record. You may be suspended for repeated instances of minor misconduct, or for a single serious offense. A suspension will be an unpaid penalty time period. A record of suspension will be retained in your personnel file. Termination: If you fail to improve your conduct or performance, you may be subject to termination of employment. You may also be discharged immediately depending on the severity and specifics of the case. Notwithstanding the foregoing progressive disciplinary procedure policy, YFAI reserves the right to administer corrective actions in such a manner as it deems appropriate to the circumstances, and may, in its sole discretion, eliminate any or all of the steps in the progressive corrective actions procedure. Progressive corrective actions will stay “active” for a 12 month rolling period. If trends in poor working habits or performance continue, you are subject to termination of your employment. By using progressive performance and corrective actions, we hope that most employee problems can be corrected at an early stage, benefiting both the employee and the Company.
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