Wythe Bland Foundation Annual Report
Building A Path T O T H E Future
F I S C A L Y E A R 2 0 2 3 A N N U A L R E P O R T
W Y T H E - B L A N D F O U N D A T I O N
T he Wythe-Bland Foundation was formerly known as the “WytheCounty CommunityHospital Foundation” (WCCH Foundation) which was incorporated in 1991 to support the charitable needs of Wythe County Community Hospital. On May 31, 2005, the Hospital leased its buildings and related real property and sold substantially all of its other nonreal property assets to a subsidiary of LifePoint Hospitals, Inc. The proceeds from the pre-paid lease, asset sale, and existing WCCH Foundation funds were transferred to establish the new Foundation. The Foundation was incorporated on June 1, 2005 and is no longer affiliated with the Hospital other than as Lessors for all hospital associated real estate. Wythe-Bland Foundation was formerly known as “Wythe County Community Hospital Foundation”
(WCCH Foundation) and incorporated in 1991 to support the charitable needs of Wythe County Community Hospital. On May 31, 2005, the Hospital leased its buildings and related real property and sold substantially all of its other nonreal property assets to a subsidiary of LifePoint Hospitals, Inc. The proceeds from the pre-paid lease, asset sale, and existing WCCH Foundation funds were transferred to establish the new Foundation. The Foundation was incorporated on June 1, 2005 and is no longer affiliated with the Hospital other than as Lessors for all hospital associated real estate.
under Section 501(C) (3) of the Internal evenue Code. It is managed by a Board of 13 members who are community leaders residing in Wythe and Bland Counties, Virginia. Board members serve without compensation. It is recognized as a Conversion Foundation, commonly referred to as a Health Legacy Foundation. In 2010 the Foundation changed its name and non-profit status from Wythe Bland Community Foundation to Wythe Bland Foundation. This change was a result of the IRS determination that the Organization is a Private Foundation since its primary form of revenue is derived from investment income. Grants are awarded each year to qualified applicants that provide benefits and services that improve health, education and welfare to the citizens of Wythe and Bland Counties.
The Foundation is a Virginia non-stock corporation exempt from income taxation
MISSION STATEMENT Providing opportunities for innovation and collaboration to promote a heathier community VISION STATEMENT Our vision is to be a part of a thriving community that meets the health, education, and wellness needs of all citizens CORE VALUES We value above all else:
• Integrity • Fairness • Innovation and Collaboration
• Compassion and Commitment • Our Partners’ Missions
• Integrity • Fairness • Innovation and Collaboration
• Compassion and Commitment • Our Partners’ Missions
A M E S S A G E F R O M T H E Executive Director & CEO
C ommunity is at the heart of everything we do at the Wythe-Bland Foundation. It centers us as we have lived through the outbreak of the coronavirus, economic disruptions and the uncertainty of what might come next. Consistent with our founding purpose, we are ensuring that we will be an impactful funder for those projects that are determined to be essential, and provide the most impact to the citizens within our community. As a non-operating foundation, this past year required us to find ways to adapt to constraints on how we work. It highlighted the importance of our network of committed partners that provide the direct services that improve the health, education, and wellness needs of our community. As we prepared this annual report, I am struck by what has been achieved in the past year, and what will be achieved in this coming year. Looking forward to the year ahead, I know that our community will continue to work through every challenge that comes our way. We may have a long road to recovery ahead of us, but our board of directors is committed to their fiduciary roles of meeting those challenges. Travis D. Jackson Travis D. Jackson, Executive Director, CEO
Grants Awarded F I S C A L Y E A R 2 0 2 3 Austinville PH Church: Food Pantry........................................ $5,000 Bland County Public Schools QUILL: JAMS Music Program.. $14,100 Bland County Public Schools QUILL: Educational Enhancement.$30,000 Bland County Public Schools QUILL: Sci-Tec Program......... $40,000 Bland County Public Schools QUILL: STEM-UP Program....$140,000 Bland County: Farmers Market Program................................. $7,000 Bland County Medical Clinic: Feeding Southwest Virginia: Mobile Market Program........... $25,000 HOPE, Inc.: Bookkeeping Program. ...................................... $54,000 HOPE, Inc.: Food Access & Attacking Poverty Program......$146,000 Millwald Theatre: Community Engagement Series Project ....$150,000 Milward Theatre: Audiovisual Equipment Purchase.............. $50,000 Mt. Rogers Health District: Safe Sleep for Babies....................$6,200 One-on-One Literacy Program: Families Reading Together.....$9,000 Rural Retreat Volunteer Emergency Service, Inc.:
Labs & Diabetic Supplies Program.......................................... $14,600 Bland Ministry Center: Big Walker Dental.......................... $390,000 Bland Ministry Center: Bland Dental Clinic......................... $125,000 Brock Hughes Medical Clinic: Operations..........................$300,000 Brock Hughes Medical Clinic: Clinical Pharmacy Program...$161,000 Brock Hughes Medical Clinic: Medical Transportation Project.............................................. $20,000 Ceres Alumni Association: Gym Roof Project...................... $30,000
Stryker Lice Pac 15................................................................ $30,000 RxPartnership: Medication for Brock Hughes Medical Clinic. ..$5,500 Town of Wytheville: Restoration of the Rock House Museum . ............................ $50,000 Town of Wytheville: Wellness Scholarship Program.............. $20,000 Town of Wytheville: Fit-for-Life Programs............................. $60,000 Town of Wytheville: Ambulance Equipment. ........................ $25,000
Town of Wytheville: Search and Rescue Equipment................ $7,500 VCOM: Physician Recruitment Scholarship.......................... $315,000 WCPS Foundation for Excellence: After School Club Day....$111,600 WCPS Foundation for Excellence: Classroom Grants, K-Camp, & Pre-K Kits...............................$71,900 Wythe County: Play Wythe Ager Park.................................. $50,000 Wythe County Breast Cancer Coalition: “Ladies Night Out” Program.................................................. $13,500 Wythe County Historical Society: Spiller Annex Roof Project...................................................$150,000 Wytheville Community College: Scholarship Program.......$300,000 Wytheville Community College: Tennis Court Project......... $50,000 Wytheville Farmers Market: Market Operations.................... $37,600 Wytheville Lions Club: Hearing Testing Project..........................$550 Wytheville Lions Club: Vision Testing Project..........................$6,800 Wytheville Training School: Operations and Infusion Project . $35,000 Wytheville Women’s Club: Food Blessing Box........................ $12,000
F I S C A L Y E A R 2 0 2 3 AWA R D S
Health Education Welfare
F I S C A L Y E A R 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 2 3 AWA R D S
Health Education Welfare
T he Wythe-Bland Foundation Scholarship Program will provide full tuition and fees (after all financial aid and other scholarship funds are applied) for qualified Wythe and Bland County high school graduates to attend Wytheville Community College. To date, the foundation has provided funding for 3,621 scholarships for a total of $5,337,708. As a condition of the scholarship, students are required to volunteer 40 hours of community service to a qualified not-for-profit organization in Wythe and Bland County. This has resulted in approximately 40,208 hours of community service that has provided essential volunteer benefits to the citizens in the region.
T H E Foundation Scholarship P R O G R A M
T H E Board of Directors
OFFICERS: John Thompson, Chairperson Garold Schepers, Vice Chairperson Joe Freeman, Secretary Dr. Craig Smith, Treasurer
To view a copy of the Wythe-Bland Foundation form 990 PF, please visit www.candid.org MAILING ADDRESS: Wythe-Bland Foundation P.O. Box 90 Wytheville, VA 24382 WEBSITE: www.wbfoundation.com
CONTACT INFO: Wythe-Bland Foundation 155 West Monroe Street Caitlin K. King Executive Assistant cking@wbfoundation.com STAFF: Travis D. Jackson Executive Director/CEO tjackson@wbfoundation.com
DIRECTORS: Harold Absher Lisa Alderman Donnie Buck Dr. Richard Copenhaver Jerry Davis John Huffard Vicki Parks Caroline Stephens Molly Thompson
Wytheville, VA 24382 Phone: 276-228-8001 Fax: 276-228-9001
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