Wythe Bland Foundation Annual Report

Grants Awarded F I S C A L Y E A R 2 0 2 3 Austinville PH Church: Food Pantry........................................ $5,000 Bland County Public Schools QUILL: JAMS Music Program.. $14,100 Bland County Public Schools QUILL: Educational Enhancement.$30,000 Bland County Public Schools QUILL: Sci-Tec Program......... $40,000 Bland County Public Schools QUILL: STEM-UP Program....$140,000 Bland County: Farmers Market Program................................. $7,000 Bland County Medical Clinic: Feeding Southwest Virginia: Mobile Market Program........... $25,000 HOPE, Inc.: Bookkeeping Program. ...................................... $54,000 HOPE, Inc.: Food Access & Attacking Poverty Program......$146,000 Millwald Theatre: Community Engagement Series Project ....$150,000 Milward Theatre: Audiovisual Equipment Purchase.............. $50,000 Mt. Rogers Health District: Safe Sleep for Babies....................$6,200 One-on-One Literacy Program: Families Reading Together.....$9,000 Rural Retreat Volunteer Emergency Service, Inc.:

Labs & Diabetic Supplies Program.......................................... $14,600 Bland Ministry Center: Big Walker Dental.......................... $390,000 Bland Ministry Center: Bland Dental Clinic......................... $125,000 Brock Hughes Medical Clinic: Operations..........................$300,000 Brock Hughes Medical Clinic: Clinical Pharmacy Program...$161,000 Brock Hughes Medical Clinic: Medical Transportation Project.............................................. $20,000 Ceres Alumni Association: Gym Roof Project...................... $30,000

Stryker Lice Pac 15................................................................ $30,000 RxPartnership: Medication for Brock Hughes Medical Clinic. ..$5,500 Town of Wytheville: Restoration of the Rock House Museum . ............................ $50,000 Town of Wytheville: Wellness Scholarship Program.............. $20,000 Town of Wytheville: Fit-for-Life Programs............................. $60,000 Town of Wytheville: Ambulance Equipment. ........................ $25,000

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