Writing Reports in Genesys
HierarchyEntity ReportBand Preview The HierarchyEntity looks at ALL elements in the class and uses the selected relation to included elements in the report.
Student Exercise: EX.6.A Components and Requirements in One Report • Make a report to provide a list of all the Components and associated Requirements in one report that uses the Hierarchy Iterate. • Name the Report “EX.6.A Component and Requirement Hierarchy Report” • Provide a description of the report • Sort the list Numerically • Provide Component Number and Name • Follow the “specified by” relation to retrieve the requirement • Provide the Requirement Number and name • Include page number (only) in lower right hand corner of the page Two methods: (a.) Make a New Report and follow steps used in EX.6 Component Report (b.) Duplicate EX.6 Component Report, rename, and make changes to the report
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