Winter 2021-2022
WHOLE FOOD NUTRITION – Instructor: Angel Chadwell Location: Recreation Center - Classroom 2
Additional Information: Join Angel Chadwell, Certified Nutrition Coach, for this informative seminar. What is Whole Food Nutrition? Learn the difference between whole food, processed food and easy tips to incorporate it into your nutrition plan. Minimum: 3 Maximum: 12 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Dec. 1 – Mar. 17 Ages 18 and over Thursday, Mar. 24 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. $5/$10 VIN ETCHING Co-Sponsored By: Christiansburg Recreation Dept., Christiansburg Police Dept., Christiansburg Fire Dept. and Virginia State Police Location: Christiansburg Fire Dept. Additional Information: All vehicles carry a federally-assigned number known as Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Making sure those numbers are marked permanently on a vehicle’s windows steers thieves away. The windows of stolen VIN etched vehicles must be stripped and replaced before a thief can get rid of the car, a costly and time - consuming process. VIN etching is simple, fast, safe and won’t mar the look of the vehicle. Numbers are etched into the glass with a chemical solution and those numbers will be there for good. Date Time FEE Monday, Mar. 28 3 – 6 p.m. FREE NATIONAL FROZEN FOOD MONTH Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center – Senior Activities Room Additional Info: This program will discuss the nutrition of purchased frozen food, things to consider when freezing foods and leftovers. Pre-register . Speaker: Dawn Barnes, Va Extension Office Minimum: 5 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time FEE Dec. 1 – March 23 Ages 21 & over Tuesday, March 29 10:30 a.m. FREE; pre-register Additional Information: The American Red Cross CPR/AED programs help participants recognize and respond appropriately to cardiac and breathing emergencies. The courses in this program teach the knowledge and skills needed to give immediate care to an injured or ill ADULT while advanced medical care is on the way. This class will teach Adult CPR/AED skills and offer proficiency on manikins to earn an ARC certification valid for 2 years. Each participant will have his/her own manikin and disposable face shield while following safe distancing and disinfecting procedures. Minimum: 4 Maximum: 6 Registration Date Time FEE Jan. 3 – Mar. 29 Tuesday, April 5 3 – 7 p.m. $50 SHATLEY SPRINGS LUNCH TRIP Location: Shatley Springs, NC Additional Information: Join us as we travel to Crumpler, NC to have a delicious lunch at Shatley Springs. We will also stop at several local shops along the way. Participants are responsible for paying for their own lunch. Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Dec. 1 Ages 21 & over Friday, April 8 Leave Rec. Center at 8:30 a.m. $10/$20 ADULT CPR/AED CERTIFICATION COURSE – INSTRUCTOR: Lisa Bass Eligibility: Ages 18 and up Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center – Classroom 1
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