Westminster Presbyterian Church Centennial Books

In recent years, under the leadership of Kathryn Warf, our committee system has been restructured to broaden its membership and ministry and include teams for Outreach, Congregational Care, and Property.

So much has happened in these 38 years and through it all Westminster ’ s mission statement of “ Growing Faithful, Fruitful Followers of Jesus Christ ” was, and still does, continue to be “ worked ” out in my life. Why? Because we have a great cloud of witnesses who have run before us. Because it is there, in between the walls of a building, the pews, the pulpit, and more importantly, within the walls of my heart that God continues to help me fix my eyes on Him, and to run the race with endurance.

As we get ready for the beginning of a new school year, we gather at our beautiful City Park for our annual church picnic. Homemade delicacies, like rhubarb pie, have been enjoyed.

Beverly Pelts

Since 1994, the church has been involved in “ Operation Christmas Child. ” That ’ s 28 years.

May Westminster continue to grow faithful, fruitful followers of Jesus Christ because of her commitment to sound, biblical doctrine and modeling a sincere, joyful faith. Remember, there is no greater joy or treasure than knowing Jesus and making Jesus known.

That would be thousands of cardboard green and red shoeboxes filled with carefully purchased items and lots of love for the children that Samaritan ’ s Purse works with.

This past year, our total was an impressive 215 shoeboxes that were shipped overseas to help share the love of Jesus.

Tanner Cline


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