Westminster Presbyterian Church Centennial Books
Our director of Children ’ s Ministries, Beverly Pelts, had an idea, turning that useless space into a play area for our preschool and children ’ s ministries. Through twenty fundraisers, and many donations from church members, over $92,000 was raised.
So many memories, so many stories, so many people that have been important to our life story it would take many pages and many hours to share. But the importance of those people and stories are the building blocks to that firm foundation that has been the legacy of Westminster Presbyterian Church to our family.
And a transformation began, with preparing and leveling the surface, and building a stone wall.
This created additional parking, and playground system was purchased.
Susan Clapp, preschool director, says that, “ The playground is a true blessing to our church and Preschool, providing a safe, beautiful area for our children to play. ”
Pippa and Dave Hammond
Many hard - working members devoted a Saturday to the
construction of the playground. Since then, many others have worked to
maintain the area. In October 2023, the session voted to name this wonderful area, “ Mrs. Bev ’ s Playground, ” in honor of her vision and labor of love. How good God has been! How wonderful to see the hard work and commitment of God ’ s flock here at Westminster. And then over the past two decades, there have been other memories and ministries – Sometimes, there ’ s a zany evening activity for a group called the Bridge Builders.
Our entire family has benefited from the love and teaching we ’ ve experienced since we joined Westminster. Our children and grandchildren are involved in churches whose teaching reflects this legacy. We truly have counted it all joy while we have learned to be content in any and every situation. Thank you for the heritage of this church and what it means to the world.
Occasionally, there is a script for just the perfect talent to make us all laugh.
In 2015, a new series of events was introduced, Kids ’ Summer Club, ” taking the place of Vacation Bible School, with Messy Night as the highlight of the summer.
Wilma and Chad Hatcher
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