Westminster Presbyterian Church Centennial Book

Westminster by the Numbers

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ActiveMembers on the Roll - 203 Pre - School Enrollment - 46 Church Budget - $442,005 WorldOutreach Budget - $64,400 The 92 quotations that are featured in the sidebar of each page have been taken from the 100 Days Devotional , where church members, past and present, were encouraged to submit to the publication that we used in anticipation of the Centennial Celebration Weekend March 30 - April 1, 2023.

This old, retired history teacher has thoroughly loved being a part of all this. Over the past six weeks, I ’ ve had the privilege of going through a number of old Westminster photos -- photos that showed very important people at the time the photo was taken, church leaders, Sunday School teachers, choir members, circle leaders – but now 50 or more years later, many of those faces can ’ t be identified by anyone. That ’ s kind of sad, isn ’ t it? But indeed, that ’ s part of the reality of life. Fifty years from now, will we be remembered? Will someone be able to identify us in a church photograph? If that was truly all there was to life, how depressing that would be. But inside these church walls, we ’ ve truly learned a different reality, haven ’ t we? For instance, even 25 years ago, there were so many “ pillars of the church ” still with us, living out their final years, still being lights in this world, still embracing a faith that went to the core of their being. They won ’ t be with us when we take that centennial group photo. So many of those beloved Westminster saints have gone on to their heavenly reward. You could probably name many whose lives touched yours. What a blessed thought. What a glorious thought. What a comforting thought – to know that what we ’ ve experienced here, especially through the joy of being a part of the Body of Christ, is just a tiny preview of the incredible glory to come. Well, that kind of, sort of, concludes a trip down “ Memory Lane, ” a trip that may have included a few detours, a trip that provides a snapshot or two into some of the ways we see God ’ s provision and care and grace and mercy and love, whether it ’ s through the early prospering years of our church ’ s beginning, the challenging economic decade of the Depression, the growth of small group Bible studies and short term missions trips. Three buildings, several parking lots, one parsonage, one playground later, we see once again, ministry is so much more than -- buildings. Yet hasn ’ t God used these well - built buildings to allow us to experience the power of His preached Word and the fellowship of the Body of Christ, as we continue to live out the call to be “ faithful, fruitful followers ” of Jesus Christ! Since December 22, 2022, we ’ ve collectively shared some of those moments through the “100 Days Centennial Devotional, ” and hasn ’ t that been such a wonderful blessing? We ’ re getting to live during a great moment in history. God put us here right now to experience this – the 100 year milestone of the church we love. May the unique moment that we currently live in -- not be over once next weekend ’ s activities have concluded. May that be just the beginning of a renewed joy, passion, and desire to love our Creator with all our hearts. Lord, if you don ’ t return before then, may you find us faithful as your church begins our next 100 years. And for now, this concludes, “ Our Story, Your Story, His Story ” here at Westminster.

Back Cover Photo: original Sharpie Centennial artwork sketch by Beth Moore

Front Cover: Centennial Graphics by David Pelts

Layout Design by Julie Hurley

Our beautiful brass Christmas ornaments were produced by the same company that makes the official White House Christmas ornaments .

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