Virginia Evergreen Winter 2018
and marketing of quality Christ- mas trees and related products. Keep its members informed con- cerning current developments and the results of research on the production and marketing of quality Christmas trees. Assist members in marketing their Christmas trees. Enlist the aid of state and federal agencies and private industry in conducting research and the pro- motion of the Christmas tree in- dustry in Virginia. Below are the focus areas for the next several years, with the volunteers for these areas, the justification and strat- egies. Justification: The Association is charged to be good stewards of the trust and financial investments made by its members. Therefore, its organ- izational system and management must be based on the best practices of a nonprofit association and held ac- countable for its performance. Jeff M. will be retiring by 12/31/2019 Strategies: Establish and Executive Committee Explore options to replace current Executive Director Research available grants an- nually Establish a committee struc- ture and chairs Secure association Manage- ment. Focus Area Management: John Carroll, Tim & Doris Williams, Jeff Gregson Justification: The Association is charged to be good stewards of the trust and financial investments made by its members. Therefore, its organ- izational system and management must be based on the best practices of a nonprofit association and held ac- countable for its performance. Jeff M. will be retiring by 12/31/2019 Strategies: Establish and Executive Committee Explore options to replace current Executive Director Research available grants an- nually Establish a committee struc- ture and chairs Secure association Manage- ment. Ad – Farm Credit VCTGA News Journal – Winter 2018 their Christmas trees. Enlist the aid of state and federal agencies and private i dustry i c nducting research and the pro- motion of the Christmas tree in- dustry in Virginia. Below are the focus areas for the next sever l years, with the volu teers for these areas, the justification and strat- egies. Focus Area Management: John Carroll, Tim & Doris Williams, Jeff Gregson
Focus Area: Membership : Tim Grove increase its recruitment efforts to growers who are nonmembers. Work with Education Committee to develop targeted training/con- sultation for member farms Encourage member-to-member farm visits and networking Identify all active growers by county Reach 50% of non-member farms with new promotional mailer Reach 10% of non-member fa ms with personal visits Justification: The membership of the association has either decreased or remained flat over the last five years. With members aging out and less wholesale growers, the associa- tion will expand its support/technical services offered to its members and increase its recruitment efforts to growers who are nonmembers. Work with Education Committee to develop targeted training/con- sultation for member farms Encourage member-to-member farm visits and networking Identify all active growers by county Reach 50% of non-member farms with new promotional mailer Reach 10% of non-member farms with personal visits
Focus Area Management: John Carroll, Tim & Doris Williams, Jeff Gregson Justification: The Association is charged to be good stewards of the trust and financial investments made by its members. Therefore, its organ- izational system and management must be based on the best practices of a nonprofit association and held ac- countable for its performance. Jeff M. will be retiring by 12/31/2019 Strategies: Establish and Executive Committee Explore options to replace current Executive Director Research available grants an- nually Establish a committee struc- ture and chairs Secure association Manage- ment. Focus Ar a: Membership : Tim Grove Justification: The membership of the association has either decreased or remained flat over the last five years. With members aging out and less wholesale growers, the associa- tion will expand its support/technical services offered to its members and increase its recruitment efforts to growers who are nonmembers. Work with Education Committee to develop targeted training/con- sultation for member farms Encourage member-to-member farm visits and networking Identify all active growers by county Reach 50% of non-member farms with new promotional mailer Reach 10% of non-member farms with personal visits Focus Area: Membership : Tim Grove Justification: The membership of the association has either decreased or remained flat over the last five years. With members aging out and less wholesale growers, the associa- tion will expand its support/technical services offered to its members and increase its recruitment efforts to growers who are nonmembers. Work with Education Committee to develop targeted training/con- sultation for member farms Enc urage member-to-member farm visits and networking Identify all a tive growers by county Reach 50% of non-member farms wit new promotional mailer Reach 10% of on-member far s with personal visits a nonprofit association and held ac- countable for its performance. Jeff M. will b retiring by 12/31/2019 Strategies: Establish and Executive Committee Explore options to replace current Executive Director Research available grants an- nually Establish a committ e struc- ture and chairs Secure association Manage- men . Ad – Farm Credit Ad – Farm Credit
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