Virginia Evergreen Winter 2018
VCTGA History and Strategic Plan 2020 VCTGAHist t tegic Plan 2020
VCTGA members were all shipped an “Experience a Real Tree” 3x7’ banner and a 18x24” rigid sign A total revision of the website was done by Access Inc in Roa- noke 1st VCTGA exhibit at the State Fair of Virginia 1st VCTGA exhibit at the Vir- ginia Christmas Show Membership peaked at 100+ 2014 VCTGA Exhibit at the MANTS (Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show) VCTGA Mobile Website goes online 2015 VCTGA Exhibit at the MANTS (Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show) VCTGA set up displays at the Mid-Atlantic Horticulture Short Course in January in Virginia Beach, And at the Piedmont Landscape Association Seminars in Febru- ary. 2016 VCTGA Exhibit at the MANTS (Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show) VDACS reserved the VCTGA exhibit space at the MANTS trade show for 2017 The National Christmas Tree Promotion Board released they first marketing program “It’s Christmas. Keep It Real” 2017 VDACS funded and staffed the VCTGA Exhibit at the MANTS (Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show)
VCTGA Strategic Plan 2020
History 2010 to 2017 2010 began process to order 25,000 tree tags for the first time 1st USDA Check Off program with 15 cents per tree Trees for Troops, Virginia do- nated 940 trees, 6% of the trees nationwide Began the first big re-design of the website Scheduled the first Strategic Plan- ning Meeting for April 23, 2010 Primary focus was to be member- ship and marketing Jocelyn Lambert began contacting members about participation in the Mentorship Program Set up a separate scholarship ac- counting fund The Christmas DVD was repro- duced by VDACS VCTGA began process of offi- cially becoming incorporated First Christmas Tree Month proc- lamation by the Governor and ini- tiated by VDACS Mt. Rogers started their new seed orchard Virginia was 3 rd in the nation in tree donations to Trees for Troops Newsletter name changed to “Vir- ginia Evergreen” 2011 Worked with Tom Kegley Com- munications to develop the new logo and brochures 2012 1st exhibit at the MANTS (Mid- Atlantic Nursery Trade Show) Participated in the National Ru- ritan Clubs Annual Meeting.
On Thursday, September 14, 2017 the following VTGTA board mem- bers and volunteers assembled at the Best Western Inn & Suites in Waynesboro to draft a plan and vi- sion for the VCTGA for the next sev- eral years. Jeff Gregson, Greg Lem- mer, John Carroll, Tim Williams, Doris Williams, John Houston, Rob- ert O’Keeffe, Tommy Naylor, Dave Thomas, Danny Neel, Dave Robishaw, Kyle Peer, Jeff Miller, Laura Wolfe, Tim Grove and Ryan Clouse. The consensus was that our current mission statement was still appropri- ate. Mission Promote and develop among the growers of Christmas trees in Virginia a community of interest to the end that, through better ac- quaintance with each other, the exchange of information, and co- operative effort, practical solu- tions may be found for many of the problems incident to the pro- duction and marketing of quality Christmas trees and related prod- ucts. Engage in publicity and educa- tional work, in cooperation with existing agencies, to the end that there may be developed a popu- lar understanding of production
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VCTGA News Journal ‒ Winter 2018 VCTGA News Journal – Winter 2018
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