Virginia AHPERD_Winter2022
Hearing loss - Symptoms and causes . (2021, April 16). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from conditions/hearing-loss/symptoms-causes/syc-20373072 Hearing loss facts and statistics . (2018, May). Hearing Loss Associ ation of America. Retrieved from wp-ontent/uploads/HLAA_HearingLoss_Facts_Statistics.pdf Garberoglio, C., Palmer, J., & Cawthon, S. (2019). Undergradu ate enrollment of deaf students in the United States. National Deaf Center . Retrieved from https://www.nationaldeafcenter. org/sites/default/files/Undergraduate%20Enrollment%20%20 of%20Deaf%20Students%20in%20the%20United%20States. pdf Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (2018, May 25). Sec. 300.8 (c). Quick statistics about hearing . (2021, March 25). National In stitute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Retrieved from quick-statistics-hearing#1 Shah, U. K. (2022, February 7). Hearing impairment in children . Merck Manuals Consumer Version. Retrieved from https:// nose-and-throat-disorders-in-children/hearing-impairment in-children Theunissen, S. C., Rieffe, C., Kouwenberg, M., Soede, W., Briaire, J. J., & Frijns, J. H. (2011). Depression in hearing impaired children. International journal of pediatric otorhi nolaryngology , 75 (10), 1313–1317. ijporl.2011.07.023 Wilson, C., & Valet, J. (2013, March 30). Recess a critical oppor tunity for social and emotional learning. Southeast Education Network . articleid/2908/recess-a-critical-opportunity-for-social-and emotional-learning
that students who cannot hear will not have a disadvantage. • Visually and physically demonstrate activities for the students. • Encourage small games instead of more significant games. • Allow the opportunity for anyone to participate. • Encourage students to play games such as “horse” instead of traditional basketball. • Encourage various physical activities that can be done with out the need to hear, such as jumping rope, push-ups, and sprinting. Conclusion Participating in recess might be a challenge for students with HI, but the benefits are numerous. Multiple benefits to participat ing in recess were discussed in this manuscript, such as increas ing the practice of social skills, addressing problem-solving, and increasing physical activity. Through this article, modifications and the social benefits were addressed and hopefully helped cre ate an inclusive environment for all students with HI to receive the benefits of recess. Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only. The information provided in this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. References Clason, D. (2020, November 10). Age-related hearing loss . Healthy Hearing. Retrieved from https://www.healthyhearing. com/report/52510-Presbycusis-understanding-age-related hearing-loss#:%7E:text=Why%20do%20we%20lose%20 hearingear%20that%20help%20us%20hear Hearing impairment . (n.d.). Montana DPHHS. Retrieved from mentaldisabilities/hearingimpairment
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