VT Catholic Campus Ministries Vol 2 Issue 2023

Fall Newslet ter 2 3 4-5 6 V o l u m e 2 : I s s u e 2 0 2 3 C a t h o l i c C amp u s M i n i s t r y a t V I R G I N I A T E C H 7 C o n t a c t U s : 2 0 3 O t e y S t r e e t B l a c k s b u r g , V A 2 4 0 6 0 ( 5 4 0 ) 9 5 1 - 0 0 3 2 F o l l o w U s : @ c a t h o l i c h o k i e From the Chaplain Your Support Changes Lives Fall Retreat Alumni Spotlight Development Updates Knights Exemplification Parent Spotlight Inspiring disciples, preparing faithful leaders Want to keep in touch with our ministry? Scan to subscribe to our monthly email updates. W W W . C A T H O L I C H O K I E . O R G

From the Chaplain This was a year of big changes for me as I moved from a wonderful parish in heavily-suburban Alexandria, VA to the small town of Blacksburg in order to become the new Chaplain for the Catholic Campus Ministry at Virginia Tech. For years I have been hearing from so many in the Youth Apostles community about the exciting things happening at Fro the haplain This was a year of big changes for me as I moved from a wonderful parish in heavily-suburban Alexandria, VA to the small town of Blacksburg in order to become the new Chaplain for the Catholic Campus Ministry at Virginia Tech. For years I have been hearing from so many in the Youth Apostles co munity about th exciting things happe ing at

Student Leaders Student Leaders

Joseph Clement, Student Campus Minister Megan Flockhart, Asst. Student Campus Minister Michael Albrigo, Music Minister Nick Eastman, Community Minister Sofia Garcia, New Evangelization Minister Joseph Clement, Student Campus Minister Megan Flockhart, Asst. Student Campus Minister Michael Albrigo, Music Minister Nick Eastman, Co munity Minister Sofia Garcia, New Evangelization Minister

Eric Hasenbein, Liturgy Minister John Lebron, Outreach Minister Eric Hasenbein, Liturgy Minister John Lebron, Outreach Minister

Meg Luciani, Communications Minister Stephen DeCelle, Formation Minister Vincent Parente, Service & Justice Minister Meg Luciani, Co munications Minister Stephen D C lle, Formation Minister Vincent Parente, Service & Justice Minister

the Newman House and in the lives of the students. In the past few months, I have learned it’s all true. There is great joy and energy here at the CCM@VT. Many students come here for prayer and the sacraments as well as building Christian friendships. Remembering my own experience, some of my best memories from college involved being on retreat. It was on a retreat in college where I really became involved with Youth Apostles and started thinking about the Priesthood – full disclosure – it was at William and Mary, not Virginia Tech! Being at Tech these past few months has reminded me of so much of the ministry that opened me to the idea of serving the Church and making a radical yes with my life. Now in 2023, I was privileged to be with 120 students on our Fall Retreat and to help them ask those big questions themselves. The Newman Community provides students a comfortable space to continue exploring God’s calling for their lives. On October 9, we celebrated the feast of Saint John Henry Newman, our patron. He was canonized in 2019. As a young man, he was on a ship at sea going through an uncertain time in his life. He had an experience while the ship was becalmed wherein he felt the presence of the Holy Spirit leading him as a Light, and he would refer to this event later in life. Friends, may we all find the presence of the Holy Spirit leading us through the intercession of St. John Henry Newman. Please enjoy the below poem that I shared with the students on his feast day. the Newman House and in the lives of the students. In the past few months, I have learned it’s all true. Th re is great joy and energy h re at the CM@VT. Many students come h re for prayer and the sacraments as well as building Christian friendships. Remembering my own experience, some of my best memories from college involved being on retreat. It was on a retreat in college wh re I really became involved with Youth Apostles and started thinking about the Priesthood – full disclosure – it was at William and Mary, not Virginia Tech! Being at Tech these past few months has reminded me of so much of the ministry that opened me to the idea of serving the Church and making a radical yes with my life. Now in 2023, I was privileged to be with 120 students on our Fall Retreat and to help them ask those big questions themselves. The Newman Co munity provide students a comfortable space to continu exploring God’s calling for their lives. On October 9, we c lebrated the feast of Saint John Henry Newman, our patron. He was canonized in 2019. As a young man, he was on a ship at sea going through an uncertain time in his life. He had an experience while the ship was becalmed wh rein he felt the pr sence of the Holy Spirit leading him as a Light, and he would r fer to this vent later in life. Friends, may we all find the pr sence of the Holy Spirit leading us through the intercession of St. John Henry Newman. Pleas enjoy the below poem that I shared with the students on his feast day.

Leadership Council Dave Bernero - Springfield, VA Bob and Glenda Canfield - Colorado Springs, CO Deacon Mike Ellerbrock - Blacksburg, VA Michael Faulkner - Blacksburg, VA Amy Hogan - Blacksburg, VA Tim Hurley - Woodbridge, VA Eric Johannigmeier - Blacksburg, VA Amy Rusnak - Corning, NY FOCUS Missionaries Leadership Council Dave Bernero - Springfield, VA Bob and Glenda Canfield - Colorado Springs, CO Deacon Mike Ellerbrock - Blacksburg, VA Michael Faulkner - Blacksburg, VA Amy Hogan - Blacksburg, VA Tim Hurley - Woodbridge, VA Eric Johannigm ier - Blacksburg, VA Amy Rusnak - Cor ing, NY FOCUS Mi sionaries


Lead, kindly Light, amid th' encircling gloom, Lead Thou me on; The night is dark, and I am far from home, Lead Thou me on. Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see The distant scene; one step enough for me. I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou Shouldst lead me on; I loved to choose and see my path; but now Lead Thou me on. Lead, kindly Light, amid th' encirclin gloom, Lead Thou me on; The night is dark, and I am far from home, Lead Thou me on. Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see The distant sc ne; one step enough for me. I was not ver thus, nor prayed that Thou Shouldst lead me on; I loved to choose and see my path; but now Lead Thou me on.


Andy Eastman, Kathleen Calvin, Mary Kolesar, and Matt Iannone (from left to right) Andy Eastman, Kathleen Calvin, Mary Kolesar, and Matt Ian one (from left to right)

Father Tom Yehl, Y.A. Chaplain Father Tom Yehl, Y.A. Chaplain

I loved the garish day; and, spite of fears, Pride ruled my will: remember not past years. I loved the garish day; and, spite of fears, Pride ruled my will: remember not past years.

So long Thy power hath blest me, sure it still Will lead me on O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till The night is gone, S long Thy power hath blest me, sure it still Will lead me on O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till The night is gone, And with the morn those angel faces smile, Which I have loved long since, and lost a while. And with the morn those angel face smile, Which I have loved long since, and lost a while.

John Henry Newman, 1833 John Henry Newman, 1833

Our Mission Our mission is to support, challenge, and inspire students, faculty, and staff to grow in their faith and live out their call to be true disciples of Christ on campus and in their daily lives. Founded on Christ’s teachings and the Eucharist, we prepare Catholic leaders for service to the Church and world through the pillars of faith, community, and service. ur ission Our mission is to support, challenge, and inspire students, faculty, and staff to grow in their faith and live out their call to be true disciples of Christ on campus and in their daily lives. Founded on Christ’s teachings and the Eucharist, we prepare Catholic leaders for service to the Church and world through the pillars of faith, community, and service.

Your Support Changes Lives Each year, hundreds of students experience the transforming power of God’s love through daily mass and adoration, bible studies, retreats, and community events. Your prayerful and financial support makes this possible. Half of our funding comes from individual donors like you, and we rely on your generosity to sustain our programs. A monthly gift provides stability to our ministry as we work to accommodate the ever growing number of students with a desire to grow in their faith. Please consider giving today. Your gift will continue the legacy of inspiring disciples and preparing faithful leaders.

Your Impact

Your Contribution

Annual Operating Budget: $548,000

70-80 Students Attend each 5:30 Daily Mass on average

Donations Diocese of Richmond ASB Fundraising Sunday Mass Collection All Other Income (grants, fees, apparel, etc.)



23 Hours of Adoration available to students each week





550 Students Attend Sunday Mass at War Memorial Chapel on average

Your gift matters, give now

“Without the generous support of our donors, this ministry couldn’t happen.” - Fr. Tom

F a l l R e t r e a t

Leaning into the Silence

by Ash l ey Cov i t z When I went on Fall Retreat, I had no idea what to expect. I’m not “officially” Catholic, although I’m currently going through RCIA and planning to have my Confirmation this semester before I study abroad. I was hesitant about standing out from the “real” Catholics. I originally decided to go to Fall Retreat just to get away from the craziness of my intense coursework, friendship drama, and club responsibilities. I signed up last minute, after debating the entire signup period. Going on retreat, I had absolutely no goals for growing my relationship with God. However, from the beginning of retreat, I felt God working. Newman has been so welcoming to me since first getting involved last year, and this retreat was no different. People introduced themselves to me, and even though I had never met them before, they were genuinely so happy I was there. They continuously checked in on me throughout the retreat, and I made so many new friends to grow with in my faith, which is something I had been praying for since last year.

Ashley, second from the left, at Fall Retreat

During the retreat, we had many opportunities for reflection with the Lord and heard about the importance of silence and listening to Him. As an extrovert, that is always very difficult for me. However, with the amount of time we had, it forced me to listen because I had run out of things to say!

continued on page 5

continued from page 4

I had fallen out of the habit of setting aside time to be with the Lord in the busyness of college, but since Fall Retreat, I have made this a priority – a necessity even. I have also been able to become more involved at the CCM through my friendships made on retreat. There’s always an invitation to Sunday Supper, volleyball, and, most recently, swing dancing! Even if I was just hoping to escape Blacksburg for the weekend, I am so grateful to the Lord for leading me to retreat. I’m very much looking forward to continuing to grow my relationship with Him and with everyone at the Catholic Campus Ministry and for my upcoming confirmation! “Although it was uncomfortable at times, I felt convicted to truly start living out my faith and going all-in.”




Fr. James Glass












I arrived at the "Home of the Fighting Gobblers" in the Fall of 1979 prepared to study Electrical Engineering. I was not Catholic and had not even been baptized, but I became a Christian in 1981 while attending bible studies on campus. I joined the Dayspring Christian Community, graduated in Engineering Science and Mechanics in 1984, and worked as a Project Engineer in Blacksburg for eight years. In 1992, I became a Catholic through the RCIA class at the Newman Center! I immediately felt the call to priesthood and went to the seminary in 1995. In 1999, I joined the Benedictine order in Richmond and was ordained a priest in 2004. I have never regretted my decision for a minute. I am currently Pastor of Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Norfolk, VA (trinitynorfolk.org). The ESM degree has come in handy when the Church needed a new roof, HVAC equipment, electrical conduit, and brickwork!


Development News

The CCM@VT Monthly Giving Community To receive a mug, join our Living Faith Society, a community of individuals who support the CCM@VT through their prayers and monthly donations, and donate at least $50 a month. If you are a current donor at the $50 level, then increase your gift by $10 to join the Catholic Hokie Mug Club. BENEFITS INCLUDE -An exclusive quarterly letter offering spiritual encouragement -A Living Faith daily devotional Living Faith Join

Monday Mugs

Have you joined the Catholic Hokie Mug Club? Get yours while supplies last.

-A Prayer card to support your prayer time YOUR MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP WILL SUPPORT -CCM@VT’s partnership with FOCUS Missionaries -Alternative Spring Break Trips -Sunday Suppers -Retreats VISIT CATHOLICHOKIE.ORG/GIVE/

Knights of Columbus Exemplification

This semester, 18 men joined the Knights of Columbus Saint John Henry Newman Council #11323. The new members, along with several transfer students and existing members, increase the total membership to over 70 Knights.

Parent Spotlight

In the fall of 1990, Tom and Kathy Staskin met at the War Memorial Chapel at the 10 a.m. Mass in the folk group. Tom graduated in 1993 (ISE) and moved to Virginia Beach. After Kathy graduated in 1994 (BSCE), they married with some of the group playing the music at the wedding. Twenty-nine years later, they are still in Virginia Beach after raising three Hokie daughters! Karen (2019), Emily (2019/2020), and Ann (2024) all attended Virginia Tech. Each one was drawn to Virginia Tech by their prospective courses of study and the love of the Hokie Nation. They spent their childhood going to or watching football games, wearing every sort of Hokie attire possible, and going to an annual “Chilifest” gathering with mom and dad’s college friends. Ann, now a senior, has followed her parents’ footsteps and is a current member of the 8 p.m. music ministry as a flutist. She started playing at church in 7th grade at her home parish, Church of the Holy Family, and continues to enjoy playing at Mass. At Holy Family, Tom and Kathy are both leaders/participants of adult faith formation classes. They are grateful that all students have the ability to attend Mass on campus, and for this reason, they feel it is important to donate to the CCM@VT so that this opportunity will continue. It is one small way they give back to Virginia Tech and contribute to maintaining a Catholic presence on campus.

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F r . Tom Yeh l , Y . A . Chap l a i n chap l a i n@c a t ho l i chok i e . o r g Ch r i s H i t z e l be r ge r D i r e c t o r o f Campu s M i n i s t r y d i r e c t o r@c a t ho l i chok i e . o r g Ma r go t E l l e r D i r e c t o r o f De v e l opmen t de v e l opmen t@c a t ho l i chok i e . o r g

New Staff Introductions

Madeleine Wertz Assistant Campus Minister

Madeleine enjoys spending time with her husband, family, and friends, being active in Roanoke Parishes, and running and hiking in the mountains of Southwest Virginia. She is also the Campus Minister at Roanoke College.

From Students to Staff Staff members Kathryn, Makayla and Margot met back in 2016 when Kathryn was a junior and the other two were freshman. They share memories together of CCM Halloween parties, Newman Thanksgiving, and karaoke nights. Their time in the ministry inspired them to return as staff after graduation to serve the next generation of students and to continue to grow their friendships built in Christ.

Margot Eller Director of Development

Margot and her husband, Ben, are Catholic Hokies from the class of 2019. They live in Chesapeake, VA with their “Catholic” dog, Dolan. She loves all things VT Football, country music, and parades.

H A V E Y O U R E C E N T L Y H A D A C H A N G E O F E M A I L , H O M E A D D R E S S , P H O N E N U M B E R O R M A R I T A L S T A T U S ? P L E A S E U P D A T E Y O U R C O N T A C T I N F O R M A T I O N B Y S C A N N I N G T H I S Q R C O D E .

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