Pete Kirby says they have been asking for current email address for the Chief and secretary of departments. Larry said that before Member Management part of collecting dues would work we need email addresses. Larry suggested that each Executive Committeemen get a list of their departments in their districts and make personal contact to get email addresses and send to Scott. Walt Bailey said that with the next cycle of ATL money they are going to be requesting in the paperwork that each jurisdiction with authority send a list of all departments with current email contact information. Once the paperwork is in the office, it will broken down by divisions, and shared with the State Cooperation. Steve Ennis said everything that has been discussed here has been ongoing for several years with this project and now that he sees that we are going down that path to get there and he feels like he does not have anything else to contribute and he would like to be removed from the committee. Convention: 2017 Committee Report Jimmy Byer reported that Cory was supposed to have sent him the report for the 2017 Conference by today and he has not. As soon as he gets it he will give the report. 2018 Convention Larry Gwaltney report he has agreed to take over Chairmen on the 2018 Conference Committee this year. Without the 2017 report he does not know where we stand whether a profit or loss. Arrangements were made to meet with Cory or Andi tomorrow afternoon at Tapphananock to pick up items that were given to them when they took over. Another piece of the Conference report Larry had asked Cory for, was a copy of the application grant from the Department of Fire Programs for trainings held last year. Training committee has met with DFP several times. Have met with Steve Zeliff regarding vendors and he has agreed to stay on the next coming year. They are in the processing of discussing pricing and packages. If no one has any suggestions in changing anything for the convention in which we have done over the past couple of years, then everything will practically stay the same with some minor adjustments. Been in touch with the Commission of Businesses Bureau and there may be a couple of different opportunities for us to do this year. A new Brewery will be opening in Hampton not far from the convention center. Langley Speedway may work out since they have reopened. Talked about replacing the Friday night function from the paradise beach club since attendance was down last year as well with the whole conference. If anyone have any suggestions let him know. In the process of making updating contract information to the website for vendors, Ems contest, etc. Allen Brennan ask when could start making reservations? Larry said Starting March 1, 2018. Prior to that he will be meeting with the Hotel Convention Committee to get all the information needed and will post a link on the website a week before with information for making reservations. Walt Bailey asked Larry when he was running the conference, how long did it take him to give a report for the conference? Larry replied he always gave a conference report at the meeting in November. Allen Brennan said there needs to be a schedule of events added to the website, so everyone would know that there is a convention going on and members can plan according with the activities. After a lengthy discussion on how to obtain the Conference report last year from Cory Beasley, Charlie Singleton made a motion to take legal action against Cory if Larry Gwaltney does not get a report from him tomorrow for the 2017 conference. Larry Gwaltney seconded motion for discussion. After another lengthy discussion Jimmy Byer said that he will go with Larry tomorrow and have a face to face talk with Cory or Andi, or both and give them a week to give us the 2017 conference report and he will send the report out to the committee, would this satisfy everyone? After a discussion, Charlie Singleton withdrew his motion and Larry Gwaltney withdrew his 2 nd . Carol Gwaltney suggested, to keep a clean record, that the checking account be audited as soon as possible when we get the report back going into 2018. Ken Brown suggested we may include this in with the next subject that will be coming up which is the Finance Committee.
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