
Ken Brown was nominated for 1 st Vice President – Walter Robinson made motion for nominations be closed, CJ Entsminger, 2 nd . Motion passed Pete Kirby was nominated for 2 nd Vice President – Charlie Singleton made motion for nominations be closed, Walter Robinson 2 nd . Motion passed Walt Bailey was nominated for 3 rd Vice President – Charlie Singleton made motion for nominations be closed, Richard Howell, 2 nd . Motion passed Mike Masicola was nominated for Treasurer – Walter Robinson made motion for nominations be closed, Forest Redd, 2 nd . Motion Passed Dale Jamison was nominated for Chaplain – CJ Entsminger made motion for nominations be closed, John Barnett, 2 nd . Motion Passed Scott Cain was nominated for Secretary – Steve Ayers made motion for nominations be closed, David Nichols, 2 nd . Motion passed

Larry Gwaltney installed Dale Jamison Chaplain for the 2018-2019 year.

Dale Jamison in turn installed the following slate of officers for 2018-2019 year: President – Jimmy Byer

1 st Vice President – Ken Brown 2 nd Vice President – Pete Kirby 3 rd Vice President – Walt Bailey Treasurer – Mike Masciola Secretary - Sandy Byer stood in for Scott Cain (out sick)

Applications for New Members: Sandy Byer reported that Scott had given her several applications for membership:

Broadway Volunteer Fire Department – 78 Members Churchville Volunteer Fire & Rescue – 50 Members Dante Volunteer Fire Department – 40 Members Glade Spring Fire Department – 30 Members Round Hill Community Fire & Rescue – 46 Members Standardsville Volunteer Fire Department – 21 Members Tasley Volunteer Fire Department – 20 Members

Dale Jamison made motion to accept these applications for membership Buster Insley 2 nd Approved

Benediction & Adjournment : Dale Jamison closed with prayer.

President Byer adjourned the meeting at 12:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Sandy Byer, Assistant VSFA Secretary

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