Magnets: Ken Brown reported he has 16 boxes of magnets that are done by regions of the state. They can be picked up at the VSFA booth. Same regions as last year. District reps please come and pick them up and take them back to your area.
New Business: Conference Date:
Next years conference will be held August 6-10, 2019 in Hampton, Virginia. It will be a Joint conference next year with VAVRS. The Name will be Virginia First Responders Conference. In 2020 will be in Virginia Beach in September to see how that works and at the end of 2020 the conference committee will get together and decide if will rotate on a semi- annual basis, use 1 location or not do at all. David Bailey Contract: Charlie Singleton made a motion to approve David Baileys contract for July 1, 2018 thru June 30, 2019 Gary Allred 2 nd Approved Mutual of Omaha: Larry Gwaltney reported that they took out ½ page ad in conference book. Offering discounts to members, educational workshops, and offering events in conferences and sponsor and help offset some of the cost of having these events. There is question of some sort of pension fund for members of the association. Larry will meet with her a couple weeks after the conference. Someone from first net will be a brief pitch as well as Office depot at our business meeting tomorrow. Resolution: Walt Bailey reported that Emily Fitchman will be given a resolution and will be presented tomorrow at the business meeting. Was bullied in the 3 rd grade and developed a card with a phrase your worth is more than you know. She had given out over 120,000 and wants to give cards for everyone in every department. Will be in our booth and will be selling bracelets to help offset printing cards.
Charlie Singleton had retired being district rep. Claude Owens will now be district 3 rep.
Benediction & Adjournment : The next business meeting will be held November 3, 2018 in Charlottesville. An email will be sent to everyone as time gets closer.
Adjournment: Dale Jamison closed with prayer.
President Byer adjourned the meeting at 4:34 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Sandy Byer, Assistant VSFA Secretary
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