
David Akers – said if you look at Kevin Ducks report they have 3 golf tournaments scheduled and don’t see why Larry can’t be doing this type of fundraising for the associ ation. Walt says they can make up to 20,000 at each tournament. David at the SW conference they have 20 to 30 teams. Buster said the big thing is to get sponsors. Last year they made $8,000. New Business: Policy and procedures manual – Ken asked if we want to move forward in creating a Policy and Procedure manual? Pete said this is one of the things that was presented in the Vision 2020 that we needed to develop especially if we are moving ahead with these bylaw changes you need somewhere you can document these things now. A hand vote was taken, and the membership voted to create a policy and procedure manual for VSFA. VDFP Mike Reilly sent a letter to President Byer requesting a donation in support of the VA fallen firefighters/EMS Memorial of $1500 to $2000. In the past we gave $1500. After a discussion it was decided to send a $1500 donation only if the money will go towards the luncheon and not for decorations, etc. Jeff Flippo at first made a motion to give them $1500 in support, then after further discussion Jeff amended his motion to put the $1500 towards the luncheon. David Akers 2 nd Approved. President Byer said he received a request asking for a donation to support the Southwest Firefighters Past Presidents breakfast that is held during SW Firefighters Convention. We have supported them in the past. Jeff Flippo made a motion to donate $600 toward the Southwest Firefighters past Presidents breakfast. Ken Brown 2 nd . Approved Walt Bailey said that studies show how poor some of these Fire department are. If any of the larger department have hose, airpaks, turnout gear, fire trucks etc. they would like to donate let Walt know and he make sure they get to some of these departments.

Benediction and Adjournment – Dale Jamison Meeting adjourned at: 3:00 pm

Respectfully Submitted Sandy Byer

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