VSFA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: March 30, 2019 Location: Charlottesville, VA
President Jimmy Byer Called the meeting to Order at 10:00 am. Dale Jamison had invocation and led the group in pledge of allegiance. Addition/Deletions to Agenda – No additions/deletions to the Agenda. Sandy Byer had Roll Call and a quorum was present.
Pete Kirby introduced Phil Sica to the group. He is from Centerville Volunteer Fire Department where he has served in many different capacities and won awards County wide for his service. Mr. Sica will serve on the Executive Committee as the Liaison to the Virginia State Ladies Auxiliary. Approval of Minutes - President Byer reported we needed to approve the minutes from August 1 and August 2 since we did not have a quorum to approve them at our November 3, meeting. Walt Bailey said a correction needed to be made on the August 1, 2018 minutes in reference to Firefighter 2 program it should be Firefighter 1 program. With this correction Walt Bailey made a motion to approve the minutes with the 1 correction. Ken Brown 2 nd , Approved. Treasurer’s report – Mike Masciola said he sent out to everyone a treasurer’s report and if you have any questions please contact Mike. He also explained about the VSFAEMS 501c account and that it was used at a period of time for scholarship funds. Beside the Conference Account Larry has we only have one checking account for the Association. Mike reported we tried 10 years ago to change the VSFA from a 501 C 4, which we have today, to a 501C3 and we could not do this because of the amount of money we spend every year on Legislative activities. That is when this 2 nd account was created VSFAEMS and it is 501c3 and we have to be very careful what activities this account is being used for. Ken reported the Joint conference has put together a sponsor package so organizations can donate and that is going to the sister fund to be collected. Conference budget that Larry now has, next year should be rolled into this budget we are working on now. Will have to wait and see how things go we may not need that account. Ken said we do not have anything set in concrete it is a work in progress and the 1 st year there will be a lot of unknowns especially starting late this year. Next year there will be a formal budget and for this years’ conference the two organizations are joining the two conference budgets into one. VA Fire Services Board – Walt Bailey reported at the Stakeholders meeting trying to get the 1.4 percent boost to the ATL funds and a scathing report came out from the auditor of account on the Department of Fire Programs and talking with Dickie they pulled that Legislative report from the agenda this year. Called emergency meeting with fire board and discussed the audit with Mike and Brooke. When Mike came on board a year ago he hired an internal auditor and to review the books and so forth and put together a schedule what the auditor was to do. The Auditor on there own launched an internal investigation on things that had happened
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