
LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE REPORT CHARLES C. SINGLETON & RICHARD W. HARRIS The VSFALegislative committee worked with the other stakeholders in following in tracking all legislation that would impact the first responders in Virginia.

We are fortunate to have David Bailey and Bonnie Atwood guiding and assisting us in our efforts.

The 2019 Virginia General Assembly Legislative Session lasted 46 days this year and brought over 3,000 bills and resolutions with nearly 1,900 going to Governor Northam for action. We wish to thank Delegate LesAdams and Senator Frank Ruff for submitting budget amendments that would have provided $246,000 to match the money that has been individually contributed to VOLSAP. We will continue our efforts to make this happen.

Here are 11 bills and 1 resolution that go into effect on Monday, July 1.

Resolution:  • HJ 646 – Mullin – First Responders Day. Designates September 11, in 2019 and in each succeeding year, as First Responders Day in Virginia. Virginia Fire Services Bills: • HB 1725 – Knight – Public school building security enhancements. • HB 1911 – Peace – Duties of drivers approaching stationary vehicles displaying certain warning lights; penalty. • HB 1966 – Yancey – Uniform Statewide Building Code; issuance of building permits.  • HB 2093 – Guzman – Virginia Fire Services Board; changes membership. • HB 2263 – Krizek – Firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians Procedural Guarantee Act. • HB 2762 – Bulova – Firefighting foam management; use of foam that contains PFAS chemicals. • SB 1411 - Mason – Burn buildings; change in terminology. • SB 1494 – Edwards – Firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians Procedural Guarantee Act. • SB 1625 – McPike – Statewide Fire Prevention Code; changes definition of permissible fireworks.  • SB 1755 – Hanger – Changes to Codes for safety measures for schools.  • SB 1774 – Edwards – Automatic fire sprinkler inspectors; requirement for licensure, certification. The bill otherwise known as the “cancer bill” among Virginia’s Fire Service will be revisited during the 2020 Legislative Session and is under review by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC). *HB 1804 – Hugo – Workers’ compensation; presumption of compensability for certain diseases, review of program.  Thank you to everyone who helped with legislative issues in the past legislative session. Special thanks to our Lobbyist David Bailey and to our Executive Director Larry Gwaltney for all of their help. The Legislative Summit that is sponsored by the Virginia Fire Service Council will be held on July 17 th , and that is when we will meet with the other organizations and we will know then pretty much what will be introduced in the 2020 session of the General Assembly that will involve the fire service. Your Association will be represented at that meeting.

Thanks again!

Charles C. Singleton, Co-Chair Richard W. Harris, Co-Chair


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