The past year has flown by. Coming on board as the Executive Director has been a challenge. I am proud to be serving the VSFA as its first Executive Director. Being the first comes with growing pains as we all learn how to integrate a new position into the managing of the Association. I am sure there will be growing pains as we move forward.
Some of our accomplishments this year include: • Planning the Inaugural First Responder Virginia Conference with VAVRS • Implementing on line application and dues renewal process • Creating on line membership cards • Ability to submit credentials and deceased member forms from the web site • Creating vsfa emails for officers
I have worked to maintain and improve our website and to provide timely posts to our face book page to provide timely information to our members. We currently have over 2,600 followers to our page. Our District Executive Committeemen are the key to creating and maintaining relationships with the orga- nizations in each of the districts. I look forward to working with each of them. There are many areas where we can improve in our efforts to represent and serve Virginia’s Fire & EMS community. Work continues to identify, evaluate and implement an Association Management System. This will in- crease our efficiencies in managing our current members as well as help us to convert non-members into members. Some of the components that we are looking for include; a customizable database, ability to have a mem- ber portal, ability for mass or group emails, ability to track member departments, ability to have a news- letter, ability to create custom reports, assist with fund raising, integrate our accounting information. We are looking for a cloud based system that will provide various levels of access. Diversifying income for the association is critical to our future. Everything from fund raising activities to grants & endowments are all on the table. This will require involvement and commitment from everyone. Any and all suggestions are welcomed and encouraged. A detailed activity report has been provided to the officers on a monthly basis. Please contact me if you would additional details on items listed above
I look forward to see what the next year brings. Be safe and God Bless you all.
Larry Gwaltney
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