

This report covers the activities in which I have been engaged from July 2018 through June 2019. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. My role oversees the following functions:

BY LAWS COMMITTEE Mr. John Blosser of New Market serves as the Chairman of this committee. The committee was tasked with reviewing existing by laws to modernize content and correct some obsolete references. Look for a report from the committee elsewhere in the 2018-2019 Red Book. COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Plans to develop a Web Strategy Plan have not yet materialized but work on the Association’s web presence has been continuing. The Committee is engaged in a search for a vendor that can provide access to web tools and membership management resources that can add value to the existing VSFA website. Much of this work is now being executed by the Executive Director. VISION 20/20 COMMITTEE The Vision 20/20 team was responsible for the development of the strategic plan that will guide the VSFA through the year 2020. The Committee was also charged with documenting and/or establishing policies and procedures for the business operations of the association. The Vision 2020 Committee offered to assist the elected officers of the Association with the development of implementation plans to help them achieve their objectives and reach their goals by the end of the year 2020. The Committee continues working to develop a policy and procedures manual for the VSFA. THE VIRGINIA FIREFIGHTER ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER I have continued to meet with a potential vendor to revive and restore a publication for the general membership of the VSFA. The vendor is developing a rough draft for a proposal, and further discussions to define the requirements and understand costs and options has been planned. I hope to bring a proposal to the table for consideration at the summer Executive Committee meeting.


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