ARTICLE 1 NAME AND MEMBERSHIP Section 1. This Association shall be known as the Virginia State Firefighter's Association, Inc. Section 2. Any fire department, fire company and/or rescue squad of the State of Virginia in active service, and officers of the same, which presents its rolls of membership in good standing from the foreman, the President, or Chief of the company, after having received the majority vote of the Executive Committee, shall be entitled to membership in this Association upon payment of such dues as may be prescribed. Section 3. The purpose of the Virginia State Firefighter’s Association shall be to carry on its mission through advocacy for legislative updates to promote the interests of all firefighters and rescue workers and further, to promote public safety and welfare through legislative advocacy. The Virginia State Firefighter’s Association shall provide an efficient and convenient means for legislative advocacy and other related activities, all as may be determined from time to time by the Executive Committee. Not withstanding anything to the contrary, it is the intent hereunder that the Virginia State Firefighter’s Association shall carry out for the benefit of its “sister affiliate”, namely the Virginia State Fire & EMS Association. All provisions of this Constitution & By -Laws, therefore shall be construed accordingly. Section 1. This Association shall annually, elect a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and a Chaplain, who shall hold office for one year or until their successor is elected or appointed. No one shall be elected to the Presidency of this Association for more than two Consecutive Terms. Section 1A. The nomination of all officers shall be made by a Nominating Committee composed of five (5) members appointed by the President, and approved by the Executive Committee. Additional nominations may be made from the floor under regular order of business on the first day of the annual meeting only. Section 2. The President shall, within thirty (30) days after assuming office, and of which the immediate Past President shall be a member at large, appoint an Executive Committee consisting of one (1) member from each Association District within the State to serve for one (1) year or until their successor is appointed, who with the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer shall during the interim look after the interest of the Association generally and who shall meet semiannually beginning with the month of November of each year. Additional meetings may be called by the President or by a majority of the Executive Committee, not to exceed more than four (4) meetings in any year. He shall also appoint an assistant Secretary and an assistant Treasurer to act during the incapacity of either the elected Secretary or Treasurer. They shall serve without remuneration, except for only those expenses incurred while acting as such respectively. The appointment of these assistant officers shall be agreeable to the incumbent elected offices as far as possible. The appointment of the members of the Executive Committee in as far as possible, shall be in line with the wishes of the member Companies or Departments from each district. Section 2A. All Officers, Committeemen, traveling in the interest of the Association, when authorized to do so by the President, shall be reimbursed at a per mile rate determined by the majority of the members of the Executive Committee present at the annual Convention meeting. ARTICLE 2 OFFICERS
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