United Through Art and Music




Soul Strings Ukrainian music plays a huge role in our lives. In the imagination of people, music and musical instruments played an important role as talismans during spells and prayers of magical and protective significance. In music, people saw protection from evil spirits, bad dreams, and the evil eyes. People also had special magical tunes to ensure soil and livestock fertility. The bandura, a Ukrainian folk music instrument, is the soul of the country’s people. It inspires and calms, entertains and gives solemnity to important moments, tunes into the right mood, and expresses something that worries us. The painting “Strings of the Soul” inspires a person, gives wings to the soul, and promotes imagination. Looking at it, you want to fly in the peaceful sky, which all Ukrainians lack so much now. As Martin Luther said, “My heart, which is so full to overflowing, has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary.” I, Oleksandra Ishchenko, was born on 5 March 2003 in the city of Balakliia, Kharkiv region. In 2009, I entered the first grade of Balakliya Secondary School, graduating in 2020. In 2017, I studied at the Balakliya Music School at the Department of Art for several years. In 2020, I entered the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts, Department of Environment Design, where I am currently studying.


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