The Bluestone Review Spring 2022
Marguerite Floyd Marguerite Floyd holds an MFA from Vermont College and is the author of Everyone’s Daughter, The Parrot Reckonings, The African Brown-Headed Parrot , and Cockatiel Lessons. Amy Dunford Funk Amy Dunford Funk, RN BSN, a native of Ivanhoe, Virginia, is a front line nurse working on a Covid unit at a regional hospital Tony Douglas Funk Tony Douglas Funk is pastor of True Faith Ministries in Fries, VA. He is an avid bird watcher. Alyssa Fernandez Alyssa Fernandez is a 9 th grader who aspires to write and illustrate books and bring life to characters through animation. Ed Fisher Ed Fisher is a North Tazewell resident and parent of two Bluefield University students who enjoys participating in the arts. Kirsten Gilbert Kirsten Gilbert is a junior theatre student at Bluefield University. She en joys unanswerable questions, time spent with loved ones, and the obscure Randall Gilmore was a public school teacher and administrator for 29 years before becoming an Assistant Professor of Education at King Uni versity and the Director of Teacher Education in 2015, where he current ly serves. Monty Gilmer Monty Gilmer is a freelance writer who lives near Rosedale, Virginia. humor of everyday life. Randall Gilmore
His blog is THE OLD ELWAY READER ( James Grayson
James Grayson is a Secondary English Education major at Bluefield University, as well as an Honor’s student, and an aspiring author. Connie Jordan Green Connie Jordan Green lives on a farm in East Tennessee and write primar ily poetry now, though I have published novels for young readers as well and for more than 42 years wrote a newspaper column.
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