Student Handbook 2018-19


A. Definition: Property Damage/Vandalism is willful or malicious defacing and/or destruction of school property or property belonging to other people including graffiti, and willful or malicious defacing of private property. Theft is unlawful seizure of school property or personal property of school staff or students. B. General: Property Damage When any student shall have injured, destroyed, or defaced any school property or property belonging to other people, the student or his/her parents/guardian shall be requested to pay the amount lost thereby in addition to whatever disciplinary action may be deemed necessary and advisable to the principal or his/her designee. The principal or designee shall secure estimates to determine the cost of repairs or replacement so that property is restored to its previous condition for school system property, and informs the central office. (JFC-R, JG, ECAB). Theft When a student is suspected of the stealing of any school property or another person’s property, the incident may be investigated by law enforcement agencies. C. Disposition: (see table below) Legal References: Code of Virginia 18.2-95 Property Damage/Vandalism/Theft





1. Student Conference 2. Parent Contact 3. Restitution 4. Notify Legal Authorities 5. Up to 5 Days Student Responsibility Center or Out- of-School Suspension 1. Student Conference 2. Parent Contact 3. Restitution 4. Notify Legal Authorities 5. 5-10 Days Student Resp. Center or Out-of-School Suspension 1. Student Conference 2. Parent Contact 3. Restitution 4. Notify Legal Authorities 5. 10 Days Student Resp. Center or Out-of-School Suspension 6. May Recommend Long Term Suspension 7. May Recommend Expulsion

1. Student Conference 2. Parent Contact 3. Restitution 4. Notify Legal Authorities 5. 1-5 Days Student Responsibility Center, After School Detention or Out-of-School Suspension

1. Student Conference 2. Parent Contact 3. Restitution

4. Notify Legal Authorities 5. 1-5 Days After School Detention, Saturday School or Out-of-School Suspension


1. Student Conference 2. Parent Contact 3. Restitution 4. Notify Legal Authorities 5. 5-10 Days Student

1. Student Conference 2. Parent Contact 3. Restitution

4. Notify Legal Authorities 5. 5-10 Days After School Detention, Saturday School or Out-of-School Suspension 1. Student Conference 2. Parent Contact 3. Restitution 4. Notify Legal Authorities 5. 10 Days After School Detention, Saturday School or Out-of-School Suspension 6. May Recommend Long-Term Suspension 7. May Recommend Expulsion

Responsibility Center, After School Detention or Out-of- School Suspension


1. Student Conference 2. Parent Contact 3. Restitution 4. Notify Legal Authorities 5. 10 Days Student Resp. Center or Out-of-School Suspension 6. May Recommend Long-Term Suspension 7. May Recommend Expulsion


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