Student Handbook 2018-19


A. Definition: Hazing: Students who intimidate or otherwise mistreat any employee, student, or other person causing bodily injury are subject to suspension, expulsion, or criminal prosecution. Assault and Battery: Assault and battery is any physical confrontation that may result in no injury, minor injury, or serious injury to any employee, student, or other person that includes, but may not be limited to, kicking, shoving, pushing, hitting, and fighting. B. General: Hazing, fighting, physical assault, and battery on school grounds or in school buildings are prohibited. Violators are subject to suspension, expulsion, and/or criminal prosecution. (JFC-R) C. Disposition: (see table below) Hazing/Assault and Battery/Fighting





1. Student Conference 2. Parent Contact 3. Counseling 4. Up to 3 Days Student Resp. Center or Out-of School Suspension 5. May notify legal authorities

1. Student Conference 2. Parent Contact 3. Counseling 4. 1-5 Days Student Resp. Center, After School Detention or Out-of-School Suspension 5. May notify legal authorities

1. Student Conference 2. Parent Contact 3. Counseling 4. 1-5 Days After School

Detention, Saturday School or Out-of-School Suspension 5. May notify legal authorities 6. May Recommend Long- Term Suspension 7. May Recommend Expulsion 1. Student Conference 2. Parent Contact 3. Counseling 4. 5-10 Days Out-of School Suspension 5. Notify Legal Authorities 6. May Recommend Long- Term Suspension 7. May Recommend Expulsion 1. Student Conference 2. Parent Contact 3. Counseling 4. 10 Days Out-of-School Suspension 5. Notify Legal Authorities 6. Recommend Expulsion


1. Student Conference 2. Parent Contact 3. Counseling 4. 3-5 Days Student Resp. Center or Out-of-School Suspension 5. May notify legal authorities 6. May Recommend Long- Term Suspension 7. May Recommend Expulsion 1. Student Conference 2. Parent Contact 3. Counseling 4. 5-10 Days Student Resp. Center or Out-of-School Suspension 5. May notify legal authorities 6. May Recommend Long- Term Suspension 7. May Recommend Expulsion

1. Student Conference 2. Parent Contact 3. Counseling 4. 5-10 Days Student Resp. Center, 5. May notify legal authorities 6. May Recommend Long-Term Suspension 7. May Recommend Expulsion 1. Student Conference 2. Parent Contact 3. Counseling 4. 10 Days Student Resp. or Out-of- School Suspension 5. May notify legal authorities 6. May Recommend Long-Term Suspension 7. May Recommend Expulsion After School Detention or Out-of School Suspension



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