2017-2018 Student Handbook
The degree of danger to the school community;
3. The student’s disciplinary history, including the seriousness and number of previous infractions; 4. The appropriateness and availability of an alternative education placement or program; 5. The student’s age and grade level; 6. The results of any mental health, substance abuse, or special education assessment; 7. The student’s attendance and academic records; and 8. Other appropriate matters. The costs of any community-based educational program, or alternative education program, or educational option, which is not a part of the educational program offered by the school division, shall be paid by the parent of the student. E. Notice of Expulsion The notice of expulsion should be completed with one copy given to the student, one copy mailed to the parent or legal guardian, one copy sent to the superintendent and one copy retained by the school. The space on the expulsion notice designated for the principal’s statement must include: 1. Charges or reasons for expulsion and date of occurrence. 2. Evidence to support charges and proposed action. 3. A statement to the effect that the student has been informed of the reasons for expulsion and given an opportunity to reply to the charge or charges before the expulsion is effective. 4. Length of expulsion. 5. The right of the student and his parents or guardian to a hearing before the School Board. 6. The right to inspect the student’s school records. 7. The proposed terms or conditions of re-admission, if any. 8. A statement declaring whether, under the proposed sanction, the student would be eligible to return to school or attend an appropriate alternative education program approved by the School Board or an adult education program offered by the school division or after the expulsion. If neither option applies, a statement that the student may petition the School Board for readmission after one calendar year from the date of expulsion, and 9. The availability of community-based educational, training and intervention programs. 10. For students with disabilities, refer to page 13 for additional requirements. F. Disciplinary Hearing Panel A Disciplinary Hearing Panel of school administrators will be appointed to review the expulsion recommendation. This panel will meet with the student, the student's parent(s), and the administrator(s) making the recommendation. The Disciplinary Panel will review options available to the school system and will make an advisory recommendation to the superintendent. The superintendent will review all information and recommendations and may recommend expulsion to the school board. Exclusion Exclusion means the denial of admission by a local board in Virginia of a student who has been expelled or long- term suspended for more than 30 calendar days by another school board or a private school in Virginia or in another state, or for whom admission has been withdrawn by a private school in Virginia or another state. At the discretion of the local school board, an excluded student may be permitted or required to attend an alternative education program provided by the local school division. VIII. Suspension (and Expulsion) of Students with Disabilities (JGD, JGE-R, JGDA, JBA) Students with disabilities, who violate the student code of conduct, engage in disruptive activities and/or actions dangerous to themselves or others will be disciplined in accordance with their IEP, any behavioral intervention plan, policy and federal law. VII.
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