2017-2018 Student Handbook

7. A statement that the student is eligible to return to school upon the expiration of the suspension to attend an appropriate alternative educational program approved by the School Board during or after the suspension. 8. Right of appeal. 9. For students with disabilities, refer to page 13 for additional requirements. Appeals All appeals of school suspension should be made first in writing to the school principal within seven (7) calendar days of the suspension decision. G. Reinstatement of Students The manner in which a student is received on returning from his/her suspension is of utmost importance. The following steps should be used when applicable: 1. Accompanied by a parent or guardian, the student shall report to the principal or other designated staff member upon return to school. 2. The principal or another staff member shall consider the best class placement and confer with the teacher and/or counselor in preparation for the student's return. 3. The student shall resume classroom activities. F. Expulsion Expulsion is a last resort action that removes a student from the school system. The possibility of recommending expulsion is to be considered when repeated opportunities for adjustment have failed or in unusual situations that merit the removal of a student from the school system. B. Definition An expelled student who is found on school premises without the permission of the principal or a designee, or at times when the schools are not open to the public may be referred to law enforcement authorities as a trespasser. Expulsion means any disciplinary action wherein a student is not permitted by the local school board to attend school within the school division, is ineligible to apply for readmission for 365 calendar days, and is denied access to the school after the date of the expulsion. A student who has been expelled may be permitted or required to attend an alternative education placement or program provided by the local school board. C. Authority to Expel The authority to expel a student is reserved by Virginia law to the school board, acting on a recommendation of the superintendent. D. Recommendation Procedure The principal shall submit a recommendation for a student expulsion to the superintendent. This recommendation shall include all supporting information for the recommendation. Recommendation for expulsion for actions other than those specified in the Gun Free and Drug Free Schools Acts are based on, but not limited to, the following factors: 1. The nature and seriousness of the conduct; Expulsion (JGD-R, JGE-R) A.



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