Spring Newsletter
Empowering families builds a stronger community, which stimulates a thriving economy.
T hanks to your support, Habitat for Humanity in the Roanoke Valley (HFHRV) is helping to eliminate substandard housing by constructing and rehabilitating homes; advocating for fair housing policies; providing financial education and guidance to participating families; providing access to zero-interest or low-interest loans and affordable mortgages; and by empowering families. We have seen that our process not only provides a stable home environment, but also offers a mechanism for teaching families ways in which they can break the adverse cycle of poverty for the next generation. Some Habitat families even have first-time college students as a result of their participation in our homeownership program. Our process not only impacts the families we serve in profound ways, it is transforming the strength of our community as a whole. HFHRV is the only affordable housing provider in Roanoke that serves as Realtor, architect, builder, mortgage lender, mentor, counselor and educator for our partnering homeowner families.
Your donation never dies! The mortgage payments we receive from our partner families cycle back into the cost of the next home we build. In addition, while increasing the property values in the communities we serve, our homeowners pay over $156,000 in taxes to the City of Roanoke annually. 89 cents of every dollar donated is allocated to building homes while educating and supporting homeowners. HFHRV maintains a 4-star rating with Charity Navigator — the highest available rating of charities’ performance and fiscal responsibility. HFHRV has earned awards of excellence from EarthCraft VA; Habitat for Humanity VA; Excellence
Our homeowners’ mortgage payments never exceed 30% of the families’ annual income. This allows them the ability to save for the future and the potential to provide an education and a brighter future for the next generation. A new house is a huge accomplishment. However, there is much more to it than meets the eye. Likened to an iceberg, where 90% is below the surface of the water, the completed house is only the tip of the iceberg. There are a myriad of things that happen behind the scenes that can easily be overlooked, but not ignored. It is the immense time and hard work of our volunteers; the skilled technique, critical planning and dedication of the staff; the income achieved through the Habitat ReStore; sponsors and partnerships; the drive and discipline of our partner families; and friends like you; that make our mission possible. We are grateful to all of whom who make an enormous undertaking an achievable reality.
Award from Roanoke City; and the Habitat for Humanity National Affiliate of the Year Award.
HFHRV has built 227 homes and served 273 families, since 1986. In the past 3 years, HFHRV has built 26 homes utilizing 90,000 volunteer hours, saving an estimated $900,000 in manpower hours.
The final product is only the tip of the iceberg.
Approved family partners in the program at all times: 8-15
SWEAT EQUITY: Each family completes hundreds of hours of sweat equity helping to build their home & the homes of other family partners. REQUIRED EDUCATIONAL CLASSES: Homeownership; personal finance & savings; predatory lending & banking; insurance, warranty & construction maintenance; & writing a will. MORTGAGE PAYMENTS: Once the family has moved in, they are
responsible for the mortgage payments & utility expenses, upkeep & repairs.
Total number of annual volunteers: 2,500
Annual construction volunteer hours: 30,000 Annual construction manpower savings: $300,000 Annual non-construction volunteer hours: 20,600 Annual non-construction manpower savings: $200,000
Sponsorships & Partnerships
Private Foundations & Government Funding Planned Giving: Wills & Bequests Donations from generous supporters like you! Habitat is the mortgage company! Mortgage pay- ments are used to fund the cost of the next home.
Habitat for Humanity in the Roanoke Valley helps:
LEARN Demonstrate a need for safe, permanent housing due to current overcrowding, crime, mold or other unsafe conditions, or lack of accessibility. Have a steady source of income which meets the minimum income requirements, low debt & ability to save for emergencies. Agree to contribute sweat equity to the program & attend homeowner education classes. Provide proof of employment & verification of rent payment history. Pass criminal background checks, credit check & hold permanent residence or citizen status. Pass a policy review & receive board approval. Change the health & stability of communities throughout the region. Serve as a community collaborator & neighborhood revitalization catalyst. Make a positive economic impact on property values, which can help attract new business. Trigger an unequivocal upward generational trajectory. The environment—all Habitat homes are EarthCraft/Energy Star certified. Create a positive social neighborhood synergy, which can potentially reduce crime & can help reduce the racial divide. PROVIDE Applicants Must: Acquisition Phase (2-6 months): Includes title search, property survey, environmental review, & closing. Pre-build Phase (2-6 months): Family selection of property, design home to suit approved family, historic review, submit contracts, lead-based paint & asbestos removal (if necessary), build scheduling, EarthCraft registration, HVAC design, utilities activated, Building Permit application, material take-offs & ordering, post permit onsite. Active Build Phase (5-7 months): Construction begins with volunteers & staff framing the house, hanging drywall, & installing finishes. Periodic inspections by municipality & EarthCraft Technical Advisors. Certificate of Occupancy received upon completion. Dedication Ceremony: Family takes ownership of the home they helped build & begin to make monthly mortgage payments which are used to build more houses. Average amount of homes built each year: 8
Open to the public, the ReStore store sells new & gently used home furnishings, appliances, paint, fixtures, lawn & garden, rugs & construction supplies at 30 % – 75% less than retail. Income from the ReStore is designated to offset construction cost.
Habitat for Humanity in the Roanoke Valley 3435 Melrose Ave. NW Roanoke, VA 24017
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Planned Giving Please consider Habitat for Humanity in the Roanoke Valley in your planned giving por tf olio through a bequest in your estate plan, as a bene fi ciary in your life insurance policy, with a Charitable Gi ft Annuity, or a Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust. Your donation is tax-deductible. Your support is immeasurable. You can make a donation through PayPal: h tt p://habitat-roanoke.org/donate/donate-now/ 89 cents of your dollar goes directly to building homes.
Our sincere thanks to the City of Roanoke, Roanoke College and Freedom First for their generous support.
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