Saint Francis Service Dogs Summer 2024 Newsletter
Summer 2024
PA RT N E R S PAWS A N D Empowering and transforming the lives of people with disabilities - one dog, one person, one family, one community at a time. A Bond Beyond Words
Porter and Knox
The Andersons have been a part of the Saint Francis family for quite some time. Dan and Candice know the profound difference a service dog makes. They have experienced the transformative power of loving a dog that is not only an adored part of their family, but a life-changing partner for their son, Porter. When Porter was just six years old, he was matched with his first Saint Francis Service Dog, Fedor. Porter relied on Fedor in so many ways – from help with stability while walking or climbing up and down stairs, to picking up dropped items, or alerting someone if Porter needed help. The Andersons also saw how having a calm and supportive partner changed how Porter interacted with others.
A message from Cabell
our executive director
The puppy was only a few weeks old. The surgery was expensive and the outcome unsure. The cost-benefit analysis and practical business decision was clear – put the puppy down. There was an entire litter left to move through the program. We were advised to cut our losses. You know this story. We did the surgery. Lion is now a Saint Francis Service Dog working in Blacksburg. Yes, it was expensive. Yes, the outcome was touch and go, and for a long time, we were unsure he could be placed. Luckily, it worked out, but it could have just as easily gone the other way. After a big investment, Lion could have died in surgery, or ended up unable to be a service dog. We would make the same decision anyway. Why? Because one of the many things that makes Saint Francis different is that when a dog is in our care, we commit to their future, whether that means they are a service dog or not. The same is true of the people we serve – we commit to their future. Whatever their goals, we will help them rise to the challenge. We are not just there for the heady times of matching, team training, and graduation. We are there for the lifetime of the partnership. If one of our partners needs help with a new challenge for their dog, we are there. If a physical condition worsens, requiring a dog to use new tasks, we are there. If it is time for a successor dog to carry the load, we are there. We are in it for the long haul.
That commitment to our teams reaches out to the places in which our teams live. We want the people we serve to be able to engage fully in the lives of their communities. We work hard to ensure our teams have full public access wherever they want to go. We are active in Assistance Dogs International, maintaining our accredited status for over 15 years. But we don’t stop there. We mentor other organizations to help them on the road to accreditation themselves. We sit on the Accreditation Review Committee and serve as an Accreditation Assessor, evaluating and helping other non-profit assistance dog organizations to become and stay accredited by maintaining consistently high standards and ethical behavior. So, yes, you can depend on us to take good care of our dogs, take good care of our people, and to nurture the environment in which we live to make it better for people with disabilities. We are proud of our guiding principles. They steer us on our journey to change the world for people with disabilities, one dog, one person, one family, one community at a time. We couldn’t do it without you. Thank you for joining us, and for believing in us to do the right thing, even when it’s not the easiest or the least expensive choice.
“Our guiding principles steer us on our journey to change the world for people with disabilities.”
Porter and Knox (cont. from cover)
“Fedor was a family member to us. He went everywhere we did and faithfully and patiently went along with whatever we did. His gentle, selfless, kind attitude, and personality were examples to us and to Porter,” says Dan. Sadly, after being diagnosed with cancer, Fedor passed away in 2022, just five years after being placed as Porter’s partner. His absence left a huge hole in all of their hearts. After taking time to grieve the loss of their faithful Fedor, they returned to Saint Francis to figure out just how to move forward in filling the space he left behind. Finding a successor dog takes great care, thought, and compassion. The transition from the familiar to the new can be tricky. As we do with all of our candidates, our expert team worked very closely with the Andersons to understand exactly how Porter’s needs had changed at this new stage in his life, while also evaluating exactly which dog could now serve him best. When Porter saw a goofy yellow lab named Knox walk into the room during their matching interview, everyone could feel the connection right away. “Porter is extremely motivated by having a service dog,” Dan says.
Dan says, “It was immediate joy…smiles all around and a lot of intense tail wagging.”
From that very first meeting, Porter and Knox began to form a very special bond. Porter, with his magnetic, easy-going personality and deep love of animals, lights up when Knox is by his side. “Knox and Porter look forward to exercise and playtime together, which they both benefit from at the same time. Knox is constantly motivating Porter to play and be more active,” says Dan. But there is so much beyond the physical assistance Knox provides. Because of his disability, Porter has limited verbal ability. So before he joined the Anderson family, Knox’s trainer at Saint Francis, Cortney, innovated - teaching Knox to respond to commands from a tablet that Porter often uses to communicate. It is a small, yet powerful way to strengthen this team’s already remarkable connection.
We can’t wait to see Porter continue to grow and life continue to open up for this family with Knox by their side!
Scan this QR Code with your phone to see some of Knox’s training in action.
volunteer spotlight
The Frazier Family
Dr. Amy Frazier, DVM, first heard about Saint Francis when a teacher suggested her oldest daughter do some volunteering. She made a phone call, not really knowing how they would be able to help. Now, a decade later, the Frazier family has stepped into nearly every volunteer role at some point or another - from puppy sitters, to puppy raisers, to long-term fosters. Lending her knowledge as a veterinarian, Amy has played a vital role in caring for some of our dogs who needed a “medical eye” on them during parts of their journeys. The Frazier family has also been there from the very start for other journeys, volunteering their home and hearts to whelp two Saint Francis litters. What was your first impression of Saint Francis Service Dogs? I really appreciated the breadth of this endeavor, that there were a whole lot of people involved, who all had widely differing roles, who were all dedicated to ‘making service dogs happen.’ It was almost overwhelming—it certainly was humbling (still is)—to think that we were being entrusted with a piece of the whole. What interests you most about Saint Francis? I think it might be the whole process of pairing service dog with human partner. Learning the dog, their personality, preferences, talents—all are highly We asked Amy to share a little bit about what Saint Francis means to her.
trained and capable, but what are the unique characteristics that make one dog the perfect partner for a particular person? I think it is rather magical - this coming together. What’s it like to be a part of the Saint Francis Service Dogs family? You might say that I came because of the dogs but stay because of the people! This is a great group of fun, creative, dedicated, kind, thoughtful, endearingly crazy, helpful folks. I personally have benefited from everyone I’ve encountered. Do you have a story about your time as a volunteer that really moved you? Seeing one of the pups from the first litter we whelped at Graduation with her partner. We knew her first, just moments after her birth, when she was wet and squirming, and then as a roly-poly bundle of sass. And now here she was, all grown up, focused on her partner, intent on doing her job and proud to do it. Knowing that I and my family had a part in that transformation—wow!
What was it like to whelp a litter knowing the puppies would become life-changing partners for someone? From the very first, my involvement with Saint Francis has been a family experience, and whelping was no different! But—even with all the wonderful support I knew we’d get from the Saint Francis folks—it’s a big deal to oversee the care of a mom-dog and her pups! But, It really has been the coolest experience both times. I’m immensely thankful for my family—the 4 girls and my husband, Mark—and the larger Saint Francis family that was there to pitch in—graciously and enthusiastically, with helpful hands. I can’t say that I frequently considered the potentially life-changing roles these pups might eventually play. But every so often while cleaning the whelping pen or weighing the pups or just watching them play or sleep, I’d catch myself looking at one in particular, wondering “Who are you going to be, what are you going to do when you grow up?” I did—and still do—the same with my own kids.
Thank you, Frazier family!
“I get to use my skills and talents to make my corner of the world a little brighter and someone’s life journey a little smoother.”
Evelyn, Margaret, Anna, Emilia, Amy, and Mark
special from the start
Do You Want to Help Give the Gift of Independence?
What is Whelping?
To really get to the heart of every single Saint Francis Service Dog journey, you have to go all the way back to very beginning. The moment these wriggly, tiny pups take their first breaths, it marks the start down a very important path to becoming a life-changing teammate. Helping to bring a litter of Saint Francis Service Dogs-to-be into the world takes care, dedication, and time. Whelping and raising a litter is a three month commitment, as a mama dog will come stay in the whelping home about 3-4 weeks before the puppies are born. Then, during and after their birth, both mama and the puppies must be diligently cared for until they return to Saint Francis when they are ready to start the Puppy Program at 8 weeks old. “Rearing puppies in a home is a labor of love. That love is the foundation for building a trusting relationship with the humans around them,” says Kathy Marr, Saint Francis Breeding Program Manager. With the official launch of our Breeding Program last year, and the anticipation of several litters in the very near future, whelping volunteers are vital in helping us achieve our
mission. They play a crucial role in the early development of our exceptional service dogs and set the stage for the journey ahead of them. “There are so many benefits if our puppies are whelped and raised in a home. They are better protected from illness, they get to hear the sights and sounds of daily life, and they are part of a family,” says Kathy. and exposure to different sights, smells, and sounds, whelpers help the puppies develop the confidence and adaptability they will need to be a Saint Francis Service of the many reasons the commitment and efforts of a whelping volunteer continue to make an impact far beyond the early days of a puppy’s life. “ Without them we would not have any foundation to build on. Our dogs perform wonderful tasks for their partners and give them unconditional love and confidence,” Kathy says. “These dogs change lives, and it all starts in the whelping box with whelping volunteers.” Interested in becoming a whelping foster? Contact us at (540) 342-3647 or Along with the physical care, early socialization is key. By gentle handling
As a WHELPING FOSTER , you help Saint Francis by hosting one of our mama dogs leading up to and through the birth of her litter. You care for both mama and puppies until the puppies reach 8 weeks of age. As a PUPPY RAISER , you help Saint Francis by taking a puppy into your home. You introduce the puppy to the big world and teach the puppy basic manners and commands. As a PUPPY SITTER, you offer your home to puppies that need a weekend getaway or a vacation for a week or two. We support our Puppy Volunteers every step of the way! If you can provide a safe, comfortable, loving home for our puppies to learn and grow in, please consider becoming a Puppy Volunteer today! For more information: visit email or call 540-342-3647
Behind the Scenes The Journey to the Perfect Match
There is no doubt…the moments are magical.
Debbie Clifton, Saint Francis Training Manager, says, “First-come, first served placements do not necessarily allow for the matching of specific needs of the candidate or for the lifestyle needs of the dog. We like to take a more holistic approach to placement versus trying to get as many dogs through the program as possible.” But the journey to find the perfect fit starts long before a service dog meets their potential partner for the first time. The team at Saint Francis gathers valuable information from each of our candidates through screening interviews, home visits, and during our candidate classes. We learn their individual needs and lifestyles. Meanwhile, our trainers are closely watching our dogs in training to identify their strengths, weaknesses, energy level, and demeanor.
The process culminates during the matching interview, when a candidate meets with a dog as our team carefully observes. Kris Sorensen, our Services Coordinator, says, “The poignant moments are when you see the candidate a nd dog make a connection.” “Sometimes the connection is obvious and sometimes it is more subtle, but it’s always a reminder of why we do what we do.” And while finding the perfect match takes patience, the end result is well worth it. Kris says, “Our goal with everything we do at Saint Francis is to place a dog with someone to improve their quality of life. The matching process is one step of many that helps to ensure the partnership is the best it can be.”
“I felt comfortable with him right away. Lion walked over and laid down on my feet and flipped over on his back to get a belly rub,” says Rick of meeting his service dog, Lion, for the very first time. “My personality and Koa’s are so alike. The matching process is so personal and ensured I had the exact right service dog for me,” Blair says of being matched with her service dog, Koa. But behind the magic and the moments, there is a meticulous method to our matching process that is a careful blend of skill, experience, and a thorough understanding of each unique person and dog. It helps us ensure that each match will be successful and mark the start of a life-changing partnership.
Debbie says , “The ultimate goal is to find the right dog for the right person.”
A PUP’S progr es s
Hi! My name is Ivy, and I am a six-month-old yellow Labrador retriever. I am from a big family – I have seven brothers! I am the only girl in my litter, and I was the last one born, but that’s because I am bossy, not because I am scared. I had to make sure those silly boys got a move on, because it was time to see what the world was all about. Knowing them, they would still be waiting to be born if I didn’t march them out of there. And here is what I found out the world is all about: rules. Wow, you people have a lot of rules. No using the bathroom in the house, no chewing on some things (but other things are fine!), no jumping on people, no jumping on furniture, only eat some food, don’t eat other food, and it turns out that some things are not food at all! Whew. It is exhausting to be a puppy. I have to take a lot of naps. But it is also fun. I get to play with my brothers, and we run all over the place. I get to live with a puppy raiser, (You might know her! Her name is Cabell!) and she takes really good care of me and teaches me games!
We play games with toys, games with treats, games with all sorts of things. I have puzzles to solve and commands to learn. We go out into the world together and explore. I see, smell, and touch new things, and have new experiences almost every day. It’s just a great as I hoped it would be. It is my understanding that there is a grand plan for me. I will either be a mother myself or a service dog. Or maybe both. It depends on what I turn out to be like. Frankly, none of us know what I will be like, including me. I am only six months old! But I hope I can do it. I like learning and this world of yours is really pretty fantastic, so I am excited to see what else there is in it. If I can get around some of these rules, that would be great. I am going to work on that. But first, a nap.
Donor Spotlight
Pete Milward
Now, four years later, Barks ‘n Rec is still going strong. This past April, we once again exceeded our goal, raising over $67,500 to support our mission. None of this would have been possible without the generosity of so many. We are especially grateful to this year’s title sponsor, Milward Prillaman Group of Davenport & Company, LLC. Pete Milward, long-time friend and supporter of Saint Francis says, “I am proud to sponsor Barks ‘n Rec. It is our major fundraiser of the year, and the publicity it brings helps raise the awareness of the mission of Saint Francis in the community.” Pete was first introduced to Saint Francis by another very important person in the Saint Francis family, Vic Foti. He knew quickly that he wanted to be involved.
“It was love at first sight. I have always been a dog lover, and the concept of dogs helping people with disabilities was a revelation,” says Pete. Ever since, Pete has been a dedicated donor and advocate. His generosity, friendship, and support is felt across our organization. He says being involved with Saint Francis brings him comforting satisfaction, knowing he is making an impact on people’s lives. Pete says , “One of my favorite quotes is, ‘The best thing for the inside of a man is the outside of a dog.’ It sums up what it means to place a service dog with someone who needs them.”
It was a concept born during the pandemic when we were stuck in our homes, taking extra precautions, and missing daily interactions we may have all taken for granted. Our goal for Barks ‘n Rec when it began in 2020 was to make people feel connected. We wanted everyone to get out there in whatever way they could – no matter their age, physical ability, or where they lived – to do what they love, all while helping Saint Francis Service Dogs change the lives of the people we serve.
Thank you, Pete, for all you do to help us continue to change lives!
For more information on all types of giving, please visit our website at
Thank you to all of our sponsors for making Barks ‘n Rec 2024 a success!
Milward - Prillaman Group • WyndRose • Jo Lynn Draper • River Birch Wealth Management • Whitlow & Youell • Brown Edwards • Sam and Sally Craver • Dodson Pest Control • Annette Kirby • Member One • Roanoke Animal Hospital • Vinton Veterinary Hospital • Bob and Sue Villamil • Professional Rehabilitative Options, Inc. • Waldvogel Commercial Properties • Woods Rogers
save the date!
Sunday, October 20th, 2024 More Details to Come
Help us celebrate the hard work and dedication of our partners, dogs, trainers, puppy raisers, donors, volunteers, and countless other people in arriving at this exciting day. Follow us on social media and sign up for our email list to be the first to hear more information about this momentous occasion.
/ SaintFrancisServiceDogs
Tribute GIFTS January through May 2024 In Honor Of: Sally Craver Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rotramel Kari Grim Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Nadia Summo
Frankie and Colton Morris Paul and Linda Barnhart
All Animals in Shelters Ms. Sue Anne Boothe
Linda Daniel Ms. Barbara Antonik
Bob Hage Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bowling
Betty Lou Newcomb Ms. Sherry Newcomb
Animal Care Center of Salem Staff Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKibben
Mattie DeLong Mr. and Mrs. James Caudill
Lulu Belle Esmeralda Evjen Hagopian Janet Evjen
Palmer Daniel Jessee
Aurie Daniel Jessee
Hank Duerk Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tomlin-Brenner Ann Dunnington Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ling Whitney Eversole Mr. and Mrs. Eric Eversole Dr. Mark Finkler Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bauman Art and Marion Kunkle Daniel L. Frankl Mr. and Mrs. John Bradshaw Jr. Freddy Ms. Anne Paige Duncan Ben and Robert Garrison Sylvia D Center Finny Ms. Anne Paige Duncan
Haley Mr. and Mrs. Danny McCormick
Linda Perdue Mr. and Mrs. Richard Updike
Dr. Tom Blaszak Ms. Heidi Krisch
Harley Ms. Anne Paige Duncan
Maggie and Stella Risi Mr. and Mrs. David Risi
Brian Britt Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Coppage
Hope Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bodley
Virginia Robinson’s Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Vince Snidow
Ernie Butler Ms. Barbara Antonik
Mary Garrett Itin Ms. Mary Beth Kors
Sasha Mr. and Mrs. David and Mona Fazzina
Lion and Rick Caudill Mr. and Mrs. Rick and Linda Caudill
Bob James Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ling
Lulu Sears Mary Jo Sears
Whiskey Cavanaugh Ms. Katrina Trelease
Janine Joyce Ms. Mary Johnson
Beth and Dennis Shearer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blaha
Charlie Mr. and Mrs. Danny McCormick
Deez FeWeez Kenny Ms. Jenny Stadheim
Silver Ms. Yvonne Olson
Jax Clark Joseph Clark
Lacey Mr. and Mrs. David and Mona Fazzina
Krista Sinnott Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Holloman III
Debbie Clifton Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Nadia Summo
Louie Mrs. Ann Saacke Lucy Mrs. Ann Saacke
Skylit Mr. and Mrs. David and Mona Fazzina
Lucy Gilmore Steve and Eileen Lerch
Dora Linda Condon-Hogan Cathy Condon Sally and Sam Craver Dr. and Mrs. Luther Beazley III
Sophia Daniel Jessee
Ella and Louie Grim Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Grim
Bob McNichols Mrs. Nancy Gillespie
Maggie St. John Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Mary St. John
In Honor Of: (cont.)
Carly Ms. Nancy Ruth Patterson Cash Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Walker Champ Mr. and Mrs. David Derr Jr.
Gracy May Dr. Courtney Wiegard DVM
Knox and Jessica Stragand Tina Chilton
Karen Gulli Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Griffin
Krista Vannoy Brooke Stackpole
Zeus Hall Ms. Melanie Bowles
Membership in this leadership group is reserved for those who give generously to our vital Prison Pup Program at Bland Correctional Center. Our Big Dogs Prison Pup Partners are essential in sustaining our mission and placing service dogs with those who need them. We cannot thank our Big Dogs enough for their support of this initiative!
Heidi Wagner Mr. and Mrs. James Spitz Jane White Mrs. Sue Abercrombie Ms. Bonnie Griffith Whisper and Jane White Ms. Charlotte Bennett Dr. Courtney Wiegard, DVM Mr. John Igoe Mrs. Kate Parker Winston Mr. and Mrs. Vince Snidow Wishbone Mr. and Mrs. Matt Livingston
Chesney Ms. Lillian Olson
Hannah Mr. and Mrs. Rand and Jan Garrett
Chewy Mrs. Sharon Carroll
Hannah Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rucker
Kathie Childers Sterling Davenport Garden Club of Bedford Mr. and Mrs. Roger Henderson Ms. Cheryl Kessler
Heidi Ms. Rebecca Perdue
Hershey Ms. Janet West
Father Bob Chope Ms. Mary Ellen McGuire
Charla Hill of Charthill Scottish Terriers Ms. Anne Sumpter
Viola Cleary Charles Frazier
Barkley and Susan Hill Dr. and Mrs. Mark Miller
Cody Dr. Courtney Wiegard DVM Tansey and Maggie Confroy Wirt Confroy
Andy Holohan Dr. Kait McBane
Maddie and Betty Young Ms. Helen Kitchens and Mr. Edward Shepherd
Hooker Mr. and Mrs. JimWisser
In Memory Of:
Badger Cowen Ms. Rebecca Cowen
Hope Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson Hope Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mohr Alice G. Huff Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lynch
Amy Mrs. Nancy Gillespie
Emma Craver Ellen and Joe Austin David Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Sam Craver III Joan Widger Hildreth
April Mrs. Nancy Cunningham Asa Dr. Courtney Wiegard DVM
Diane Evans and Bob DeBlasio Mr. Paul and Alice Grim Annie and Sadie DeLong Mr. and Mrs. James Caudill Dexter Mr. and Mrs. Gary Koogler Dixie Dr. Courtney Wiegard DVM
Pansy Hundley Katrina Hundley Ink Florence Archer
Bill Ashburner Ms. Sandi Adkins Pepper August Krystal August
Saint Francis Big Dogs Mr. and Mrs. Jake Allison Kenneth “Andy” Anderson and Dr. Marti Anderson Mike and Carol Anderson Dr. Timothy Andriano Peggy Bizjak Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brunette Mr. and Mrs. Sam Craver III Ms. Jo Lynn Draper Duffy Family Foundation Mr. Peter Emch Dr. and Mrs. Mark Finkler First Four Petroleum LLC Linda and Frank Foti Mr. and Mrs. Victor Foti Foti, Flynn, Lowen & Co. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Frantz Mr. Ed Hall Happy Endings Bar and Grill Mr. and Mrs. Peter Milward Ms. Mary Anne Mullins and Mr. Christopher Robinson Ms. Yvonne Olson Mr. and Mrs. John Olver Ms. Elizabeth Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Jim Petrine Mrs. Emily Reynolds Mike and Krista Sinnott Mrs. Joy Davis Smith Mr. Marvin Smith Mr. Maury Strauss, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Strauss Ms. Suzanne Thorniley Varsity Landscaping and Grounds Karen and Chuck Wakeford Mr. and Mrs. Barton Wilner Ann Marie and Reggie Wood Ms. Dianne Woody Learn more at
James Mrs. Susan Humphries
Eddie Lee Bache, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sorrells
Keeper Ms. Nancy Ruth Patterson
Kelley Balmaceda Ms. Sheila Segal Beamer Mr. Clifford Murray
Mary Elyn Mrs. Nancy Gillespie Emma Ms. Elizabeth Carter
Bessie Kennedy Ms. Fran Young
Dick Kienle Mr. and Mrs. John Bradshaw Jr. Ms. Jo Lynn Draper
Sandra Beane Mary Dunlap
Emma Dr. and Mrs. Edward White
Linda Killian Ms. Sandi Adkins
Bella Mrs. Sharon Carroll
Jeff Epperly Ms. Leilani Kaulback
Rex Lawson Eric and Diane Lawson
Belle Dr. and Mrs. WilliamWellborn PhD. Bianca Dr. Courtney Wiegard DVM Bibi Mr. and Mrs. Jim Purdy Cecil Bingham Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nelson Bill Blanchard Ms. Lisa Faist and Mr. Bill Nash Bogie Mr. and Mrs. Carlis Carroll Zachary Bray Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bray III Bruno Dr. Courtney Wiegard DVM
Barry Ferrel Ms. Dorothy Richardson Dana Fitch Mr. and Mrs. Billy Jewell
Gordy Lee Mr. and Mrs. John Bradshaw Jr. Leo Mrs. Nancy Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lee Ms. Christa Woomer Libby Mr. and Mrs. Michael LaPrade Lily Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson Lily Dr. Courtney Wiegard DVM
Michael Fleishman Ms. Lisa Faist and Mr. Bill Nash John Francis Mr. and Mrs. John Bradshaw Jr. Forrest Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Humes Franklin Jr.
Ann Freeman Ms. Janice Silk
Cody Frye Mr. and Mrs. William Ray Sr.
Lola Ms. Adair McCabe
Anne Bonney Fury Ashleigh Huggard Elizabeth Gilbert Mr. Richard Lewis Jr.
Lola Ms. Nancy Ruth Patterson
Buttons Mrs. Susan Humphries Shirley Callaway Mr. Eugene Callaway
London Corrine Grant
In Memory Of: (cont.)
Pete Mrs. Susan Humphries
Sue Stinnette Ms. Jennifer Dickerson Clinton Stoneking Mr. and Mrs. Brad and Cathy Greenberg Teddy Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rucker George Terry Ms. Jennifer Dickerson
Louie Dog Mr. and Mrs. JimWisser
Puff Dr. and Mrs. WilliamWellborn PhD.
Thank you to our cherished group of monthly donors.
Lucy Lou Robin Zebrasky and Paul Wheeling
Lacey Ramsey Kim Ramsey
Ms. Sandi Adkins Mr. and Mrs. Ed Allen Jourdan Alvarado Cat Ayers Mr. Ralph Baker Ab and Julie Boxley Mrs. Mary Branch Chris Brown Mr. and Mrs. John Carlin Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cody Mr. William Corey and
Lucy Ms. Nancy Ruth Patterson Lucy Dr. Courtney Wiegard DVM Maggie Dr. Courtney Wiegard DVM Maisie Mr. and Mrs. Michael LaPrade
Opal Reed Ms. Jennifer Dickerson Ms. Narlene Dulaney Patty Revels Mr. and Mrs. Robert Price
Timber Mrs. Betsy Hatfield
Gene Riley Ms. Sandi Adkins
Tippy Mr. Lloyd Ruona
River Ryver Baynqs Amy Taylor Nancy vonKoehnen Robbie Ms. Lillian Olson Bruce Rollins Mrs. Kelly Rollins
Greg Tolzmann Mr. and Mrs. Charles Souter Warren and Mary Tomlinson Rachel Slater Tommy Trinkle Hon. Lawrence Koontz and Ms. Eberle Smith USMA Class 1967 KIA RVN Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shelton
Gideon Maness Brent Sublett
Ms. Kathy Umbdenstock
Ms. Lee Cox Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Crist Ms. Kathy Cvizic Ms. Carole Denney Mrs. Brandy Disbennett-Albrecht Ms. Deborah Duerk Mrs. Kay Early Ms. Carole Edwards Ms. Charlene Fay Ms. Margaret Finn Mark Fisher Mr. and Mrs. David Fretwell Marc Gagne Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hack Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hornick Mr. David Hudson Ms. Christy Izard Patty Johnson Mr. and Mrs. David Kapp Mrs. Jacqueline Lantz Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lash Mr. John Lawrence and Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Love Ms. Cynthia Martin Mr. Tim Masick Mrs. Lynda McGarry Ms. Mary Ellen McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Karl McNeece Mark and Amy Milberger Ms. Jeanette Mistele Mrs. Erin Morris Mr. and Mrs. David Nickell Mrs. Susan Paganelli Mr. and Mrs. Demetrio Perez Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Pinkley Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Read Ms. Carol Reedy Ms. Elizabeth Sensabaugh Mrs. Drusilla Sexton Mike and Krista Sinnott Derek and Jennifer Slaughter Ms. Nancy Smith Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith Ms. Kris Sorensen Mr. Bodo Stock Ms. Elizabeth Adams Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sulka Brian and Nadia Summo Mr. and Mrs. Barry Vann Mr. and Mrs. Bob Villamil Ms. Jackie Werb Dr. and Mrs. Edward White Dr. Courtney and Mr. Spencer Wiegard Mr. Ronald Winter Mr. and Mrs. JimWisser Matthew Witting Ann Marie and Reggie Wood Mr. Draper Woody To join the Saint Francis Friends Club as a faithful monthly donor, visit:
Michael James Manning Mr. and Mrs. Ab and Julie Boxley III
Marley Dr. Courtney Wiegard DVM
Max Mrs. Ann Hogg
Blair Sala Ms. Lisa Faist and Mr. Bill Nash
Gary and Cindy Vickers Chris Vickers
Max Dr. and Mrs. WilliamWellborn PhD.
Sammie Mr. and Mrs. Rand and Jan Garrett
Edward Wadsworth ReBecca Wadsworth
Hunter McCray Ms. Kimberly McCray
Sasha Dr. Courtney Wiegard DVM
Wanda Ms. Kathy Morck
Samuel McGhee Mr. and Mrs. William Knocke
Alan Schneeberg Ms. Sherry Whitley
Max Mahone Wellborn Dr. Bridget Quatmann
Jay McMahon Ms. Helen Ruth Burch
Sebastian Dr. Courtney Wiegard DVM Landon G. Shaff Ms. Mary Margaret McDonald Dennis Shearer Robyn Arab Terry and Lynne Aubel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blaha Ms. Pam Burgess Brian Carlsen
Max Wellborn Mr. and Mrs. Nick Leitch III Carol J. Wellington Mr. and Mrs. Craig Knapp John Clarence Whistler Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nelson
Lynne Meredith Ms. Sandi Adkins
Dr. Ronald Mergl Ms. Constance Chandler Mickey Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Baer Moe Dr. Courtney Wiegard DVM
Robert “Bobby” Walston White Mr. and Mrs. John Cowlbeck
Pat Carter-Sage Mrs. Cherie Eller Ms. Kimberely Farley Kimberly German
Jeff Willoughby Joanna Hudson
Lance C. Moore Ms. Kathryn Figg
Ms. Martha Gregory Cal and Kay Hickman Sherry Hollandsworth Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Hollins Ms. Marjorie Howe IFA Wealth Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jones Joseph Kochansky
Libby Winter Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Bonny Winter Bruce Wood Ms. Lisa Faist and Mr. Bill Nash
Helene Morisseau Ms. Jeanette Mistele
Mousey Mr. and Mrs. MalcolmWalter Jr.
Molly Grace Murphy Ms. Jane Avoy Murphy Ms. Joanne Hawley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lewis Orchard Villas Community Ralph Petcher Mrs. Beth Shearer Mr. and Mrs. David Shearer Sherri Shearer Mr. and Mrs. John Shoudel Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Krista Sinnott Nancy Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Fred Widdowson Mr. and Mrs. James Wolschleger Samson and Sequoia Shields Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Shields Leigh Brill Singh Ms. Karen Brill and Mr. Bill Meyer Ninna P. Smith Mr. and Mrs. David Safewright Sparky Dr. and Mrs. WilliamWellborn PhD.
Eddie Yarber Mr. and Mrs. Walker Nelms
Zucker Mr. and Mrs. Jim Purdy
My Parents Mrs. Hope Rector Bud Nininger Ms. Sandi Adkins Noah Ms. Nan Eddins Mariner Olson Ms. Emily Olson
In Recognition Of:
All My Pups Ms. Nancy Jacobs
Hattie Hornick Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hornick
Audrey W. Wiley Ms. Ann Vernon
Dianne Parker Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vandeberg
We have taken great care to present an accurate listing of tribute gifts in the given time frame. If an omission or other error has occurred, we offer our sincerest apologies. Please let us know by contacting Kari Grim at or (540)342-3647x405.
Suzanne Parker Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Violett
Peggy Ms. Karen Mauldin Pepper Mr. Clifford Murray
Ed Stebick Mr. and Mrs. David Weaver
Board of Directors
Ways to GIVE Thank you for your support. Gifts can be made in multiple ways:
Nadia Summo President Krista Sinnott Vice President Anne Jenkins Secretary
PHONE: (540) 342-3647 ext. 405
MAIL: Saint Francis Service Dogs PO Box 19538 Roanoke, VA 24019
Marie Wimmer, CPA Treasurer Mark R. Finkler, DVM Veterinary Advisor Courtney Wiegard, DVM Past President
Saint Francis Service Dogs is a secular, nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization, whose mission is to help people with disabilities achieve their goals and have greater independence through partnership with exceptional service and facility dogs. An envelope is enclosed for your convenience, if you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to support the mission of Saint Francis Service Dogs.
Craig Balzer Jeff Barbour, CPA Julie Boxley John Carlin Sally B. Craver, MSW Jo Lynn Draper Annette Kirby Paula Mitchell Jim Petrine Steve Strauss Robert Villamil Kathy Baske Young
A financial statement is available upon written request from the Virginia Office of Consumer Affairs.
Newsletter Credits: Copy, Art Direction, Design, and Photography prepared in house by Saint Francis Staff unless otherwise noted.
Erin Morris Michelle Mosely Autumn Overstreet Kristine Sorensen Maggie St. John Cortney Thibodeau Loreen Thompson Rebecca Thompson Andrew Via Marilyn Wilson Cabell Youell
Beverly Amsler Doug Becker Madeline Bruggeman
printing and mailing provided in part by Wordsprint.
Debbie Clifton Deborah Duerk Beth Fulp Sharon Grant Kari Grim Bob Lee Kathy Marr Tiffany Moeltner
The Balaban Center for Service Dog Excellence PO Box 19538, 8232 Enon Drive, Roanoke, VA 24019 Telephone: (540) 342-3647 | Fax: (540) 342-0906
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