SCET Journal 2020/2021

« Race Matters

Matias, C., Montoya, R., & Nishi, N. (2016). Blocking CRT: How the emotionality of whiteness blocks CRT in urban teacher education. Educational Studies . 52(1), 1-19, DOI: https://doi. org/10.1080/00131946.2015.1120205. Milner, H. R. (2003). Teacher reflection and race in cultural contexts: History, meanings, and methods in teaching. Theory Into Practice, 42 (3), 173–180. https://doi. org/10.1207/s15430421tip4203_2 Moore, E., & Baker-Bell, A. (2018). I can switch my language, but I can’t switch my skin: What teachers must understand about linguistic racism. In The guide for white women who teach black boys (pp. 97–107). essay, Corwin.

Saeedi, S., Richardson, E., Kinloch, V., Burkhard, T., & Penn, C. (2020). A black lives matter and critical race theory-informed critique of switching pedagogy. In Race, justice, and activism in literacy instruction (pp. 147–161). essay, Teachers College Press. Smitherman, G. (2017). Raciolinguistics, “Mis-Education,” and language arts teaching in the 21st century. Language Arts Journal of Michiga n, 32(2). 149x.2164 Wallowitz, Laraine. Critical literacies defined. Critical literacy as resistance: Teaching for social justice across the secondary curriculum . Peter Lang, 2008, pp. 1–11. Wheeler, R.S., & Swords, R. (2004). Codeswitching: Tools of language and culture transform the dialectically diverse classroom. Language Arts, 81 (6): 470-48.

Pinar, I. M. (2004). Understanding curriculum as autobiographical/biographical text . Peter Lang Publishing.

j Erica Leach taught middle school English for eleven years before becoming the Middle Level ELA Content Specialist for Richland School District Two. She is in the process of earning her Ph.D. in Teaching and Learning at the University of South Carolina. She earned National Board Certification in 2011 and renewal certification in 2021. Currently, her research focuses on culturally relevant pedagogy, social justice in education, and critical literacy in the secondary English classroom.

South Carolina English Teacher



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