SCET Journal 2020/2021

« Language Matters

Hansen-Thomas, H., Stewart, M.A., Flint, P., and Dollar, T. (2020). Co-learning in the high school English class through translanguaging: Emergent bilingual newcomers and monolingual teachers. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education , 20(3), 151–166. 8.2020.1726759 Johnson, H., Molloy Elreda, L., Kibler, A., & Futch Ehrlich, V. (2020). Creating classroom communities in linguistically diverse settings: Teacher-Directed, classroom-level factor effects on peer dynamics. The Journal of Early Adolescence , 40 (8), 1087–1120. Kibler, A. (2010). Writing through two languages: First language expertise in a language minority classroom. Journal of Second Language Writing , 19 (3), 121–142. jslw.2010.04.001 Korne, H.D. (2020). Rethinking ideologies of learners’ speech and the multilingual learning process. The Modern Language Journal , 104 (2), 497–501. modl.12654 Martin-Beltrán, M. (2014). “What do you want to say?” How adolescents use translanguaging to expand learning opportunities. International Multilingual Research Journal , 8 (3), 208–230. Martinez, D. (2017). Emerging critical meta-awareness among Black and Latina/o youth during corrective feedback practices in urban English language arts classrooms. Urban Education , 52 (5), 637–666.

Martinez, R.A. (2018). Beyond the English learner label: Recognizing the richness of bi/multilingual students’ linguistic repertoires. The Reading Teacher , 71 (5), 515–522. https://doi. org/10.1002/trtr.1679 Maxwell, J.A. (2013). Qualitative research design : An interactive approach . 3rd Ed. Applied social research methods series. No. 41. Los Angeles: Sage. Metz, M. (2018). Challenges of confronting dominant language ideologies in the high school English classroom. Research in the Teaching of English , 52 (4), 455–477. Milner, H. R. (2017). Race, talk, opportunity gaps, and curriculum shifts in (teacher) education. Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice , 66, 73-94. https://doi. org/10.1177/2381336917718804 Seltzer, K. (2019). Reconceptualizing “home” and “school” language: Taking a critical translingual approach in the English classroom. TESOL Quarterly , 53 (4), 986-1007. https://doi. org/10.1002/tesq.530 Souto-Manning, M. (2016). Honoring and building on the rich literacy practices of young bilingual and multilingual learners. The Reading Teacher , 70 (3), 263–271. https://doi. org/10.1002/trtr.1518 Zapata, L. & Laman, T.T. (2016). “I write to show how beautiful my languages are”: Translingual writing instruction in English- dominant classrooms. Language Arts , 93(5), 366–378.

j Kristie Camp is a National Board Certified Instructor who has taught English Language Arts at Gaffney High School for 25 years. She is in the process of earning her Ph.D. in Language and Literacy at the University of South Carolina. Her research interests center on teen literacy with an emphasis on outdoor education, as she explores how time in nature affects literacy learning from an academic and affective perspective.

South Carolina English Teacher



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