Ruritan National Convention January 2019
Club Treasurer 3 - 3:50 p.m. Conference Room B Convention Center - First Floor Mike Cooley You will learn how to survive and thrive as a Club Treasurer. Club Secretary 3 - 3:50 p.m. Conference Room C Convention Center - First Floor James Mills This workshop will teach you “what to do,” “when to do,” and “how to do” your new job as the Club Secretary. When you leave this workshop you will have the tools and confidence to be the “Best Club Secretary” your club could have. This training satisfies the required office training for annual awards. Ruritan Finances 4 - 4:50 p.m. Room 106 Convention Center - First Floor Mike Chrisley Executive Director Michael Chrisley will elaborate on the 2018 Ruritan Financial picture. Bring the 2018 Annual Report you will be given at registration to help facilitate this important discussion.
35 2019 Commemorative Program
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