Ruritan National 2023 Annual Report
2018 Ruritan National President Guy Cox took the floor to pay tribute to former Ruritan National President Joe Pancione who passed in 2022. In absence of a memorial service at the convention, he wanted to be sure that we remember dedicated Ruritans such as Joe. A moment of silence was taken in memory of Joe. National Director Joe Jaynes came on the floor to honor past Ruritan National President Bob Bailey who passed in 2022. An autographed copy of the Ruritan Saga book signed by Bob Bailey was presented to Executive Secretary Sarah Kelly. Secretary Larry Cassell came forward to make announcements. At 10:45 a.m., the Chair, hearing no objection, declared the meeting adjourned after the pledge. Edgar Lamma Jr. and Sussan Lilly, the longest serving male and female in attendance led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Respectfully submitted Larry W. Cassell Larry Cassell 2022 Interim Secretary
Ruritan National 2023 Annual Report
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