Ruritan National 2023 Annual Report
fiscal year was the addition of approximately 450 Ruritan Forever, which supports the budget greatly. Interim National Secretary Larry Cassell noted his appreciation to Executive Director Sarah for assisting with managing TEAMS and special thank you to former secretary James Mills for passing on excellent records that Larry used in formatting minutes. The approved minutes of the 90 th Annual Convention Ruritan National can be found on pages 22-34 in the Annual Report. He was honored to help out Ruritan National, but ready to pass the pen/paper to the newly elected secretary. The Chair called Executive Director Sarah Kelly to the podium for her report. She noted that Ruritans can stand taller and hold one’s head up higher after such a successful year. Her message to all Ruritans is on page 2 of the Annual Report. She did touch on some highlights of the year: 6 new clubs, fewest members lost in the last 15 years, strategic planning by NBOD and dedicated Ruritan National office staff. With positives, the organization has several challenges lying ahead: meeting budget (operating and convention), IT services (especially mms) and making clubs aware of risk management issues. Project Focus is just now being launched. Sarah expressed her excitement in moving Ruritan forward. Chair of the Bylaws Committee, Dennis Bagnell, provided a report on behalf of his committee. The Thursday Bylaws session was well attended. He encouraged members to forward suggestions to the committee as they continue to refine the bylaws. The Chair called forward the Resolutions Chair, Becky Lane, who read three resolutions: Resolution 1: A resolution of gratitude and appreciation to Convention Committee, Speakers, Entertainers, Facilities and Volunteers Resolution 2: A resolution of gratitude and appreciation to NBOD, National Foundation Trustees and Executive Officers Resolution 3: A resolution of gratitude and appreciation to US Armed Forces members and families and all Ruritan members. Each resolution, after being read, was adopted by unanimous voice vote, and after each resolution was adopted, a standing ovation was given, as prescribed by the resolution. Copies of these resolutions are on file at the National Office. The Chair called for the Growth Development Committee to come forward to award the WANTED Contest winners. Roger Davis and Steve Kidwell drew three names out of a container. Chelsea Jones (Surry County) won the free flat screen TV; Jamie Rosser (Waverly) won one free registration for the 2024 convention; Jeanette Fortner (Bloomingdale) won one free registration and two night stay in Winston Salem NC for the 2024 convention. NEW BUSINESS No new business was at hand. The Chair called for any delegates needing to address the convention to come to center and use microphone available. Dale Burke (Nokesville Bristow) was announced by the Chair as recipient of a free registration for the 2024 Convention. Dale won the drawing for first time attendees.
Ruritan National 2023 Annual Report
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