Ruritan National 2023 Annual Report
The Chair called upon Bylaws Committee Chair Dennis Bagnell for a report on the bylaws issues on the ballot. Questions and/or comments were called from delegates. Reggie Wine (Mt. Sydney, VA) requested that delegates not approve Ballot Item #4 which would change our mission statement. Eliminating our motto of “Fellowship, Goodwill, and Community Service” is something that does not warrant being changed. Rodger Nicely (Johnsonville, NC) noted that the new wording of the requested change mission statement aligned more with what clubs are doing but did not want to eliminate “Fellowship, Goodwill, and Community Service.” Thus, he did not support passing Ballot #4. The Chair called upon 2022 Ruritan Foundation President O.H. Bobbitt. Even with market having some difficulties this past fiscal year, O.H. reported the Foundation remains strong. The Trustees held to a balanced portfolio and stayed course. The Build Your Dollars program had 438 Clubs participate in 2020 and for 2023 there are 463 Clubs. He announced that grants for this Build Your Dollars program will have the clubs’ $300 investment matched by Foundation with additional $350, totaling $650 for clubs participating. The chaired called upon President-Elect Mike Morrison to announce several awards. Youth Committee Chair Mike Wright joined President Glen Broadwater as two youth awards were announced: 2022 National Rudy Youth of the year: Catelynn Flanagan (North River and Slanesville Ruritan Clubs, WV) 2022 Ruri-Teen of the year: Sarah Latham (Central High Ruri-Teen Club, TN). Sarah was unable to attend the convention. Chair Glen recognized the 2022 Ruritan of the Year: 2022 Ruritan of the Year: Gary Collier (Bloomingdale Ruritan Club of the Tennessean District). The Chair called upon Interim National Secretary, Larry Cassell, for announcements. At 10:30 a.m., the Chair declared the meeting in recess until 8:00 a.m. on Saturday. BUSINESS MEETING II Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. The Chair called the meeting to order after the head table was seated. The Chair called Debi Davis, Chair of the Registration and Credentials Committee, to give a report. Committee Chair Debi reported as of Saturday, January 21, 2023, at 8:00 a.m. Pre-Registered 375 Walk-Ins 10 Cancellations 9 Total Registered 376 No Shows 6 Certified Delegates 364 Alternates
Ruritan National 2023 Annual Report
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