Ruritan National 2023 Annual Report

The Chair introduced Kingsport, TN City Manager, Chris McCartt, who welcomed attendees to Kingsport.

The Chair called upon 2007 Ruritan National President Jimmy Bristow, Chair of the Nominating Committee, for his report. A listing of nominees at the time of printing Program appears on page 64. Committee Chair Jimmy reported that all candidates presented by the committee today have been certified by the committee. A copy of the committee’s report is on file at the National Office. Committee Chair Jimmy announced for Foundation Trustee (5 year term) Debra Knesal (VA). No candidate was listed for Foundation Trustee (1 year term) unexpired term of Graham Bryant. The Chair opened the floor for additional nominations for Foundation Trustee. Wally Hudson (VA) rose from the floor to nominate Cleveland Wright (VA) for one-year Foundation Trustee position. Danny Privott (NC) rose from the floor to nominate Pat Davis (VA) for the one year Foundation Trustee. The Chair asked if there were any further nominations from the floor. Hearing none, nominations were declared closed for Foundation Trustee positions. Committee Chair Jimmy announced the nominations for National Director: John Biery (OH), Larry Garrison (NC), Ed Hicks (VA), Billy Hobbs (NC), Merlin Scales (VA), Pearl Underwood (VA) and James Zehr (IN). The Chair asked if there were any further nominations from the floor for National Director. Jason Duncan (NC) rose from the floor to nominate Roger Carter (TN) for National Director. The Chair asked if there were any further nominations from the floor. Hearing none, nominations were declared closed for National Director. Committee Chair Jimmy announced for 2-year unexpired Secretary term Juliann Poff (VA). The Chair opened the floor for additional nominations for 2-year unexpired term of National Secretary. Hearing none, the Chair declared the nominations closed for National Secretary. Committee Chair Jimmy announced the nomination for National President-Elect Robin Davenport (VA). The Chair asked if there were any further nominations from the floor. Hearing none, nominations were declared closed for National President-Elect. Candidates nominated for each position were allowed to speak to the delegates for up to two minutes each. Committee Chair Jimmy: The names of all these candidates are placed in nomination. The Chair restated the motion and asked the delegates if there was any further discussion. Hearing none, the Chair asked for all those in favor to say “Aye”, all opposed “No”. The chair declared the motion adopted. The Chair reminded attendees that delegate certification is open until 12:00pm. Anyone not certified would be unable to vote. Voting would commence immediately after the First Lady Fellowship Luncheon. Ballots would be distributed to delegates attending the luncheon. Delegates not attending the luncheon should prepared to vote in Convention Center A immediately following the luncheon.



Ruritan National 2023 Annual Report

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