Ruritan Club and District Officers' Handbook

Local Ruritan Club Wins Awards

___________________________________________ Ruritan Club Contact:: name, address, and phone number FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: date

The _ _________ Ruritan Club was recognized _for its outstanding community service at the District Ru‑ ritan Convention on date in community . President last name accepted the awards on behalf of the club for list awards . Recognized were the Ruritan Club’s work mention specific projects done during the year . The _ ____ District of Ruritan includes over _Ruritans and covers ____ clubs in____counties and cities in state . Other _club members present at the annual convention were list members and spouses . The _Ruritan Club regularly holds its monthly meetings on the day of meeting of each month at location . Contact ________________for more information. Add information about the club’s activities and use all or part of the “Ruritan Fact Sheet” in this booklet.

Local Student Wins Ruritan Grant ___________________ Ruritan Club Contact: Name, address, and phone number FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, date Full name of student of Name of school, Town has been awarded a $ amount of grant from the Ruritan National Foundation through the sponsorship of the Ruritan Club. Club President full name announced the grant which will be/was presented date . Last name of student plans to use the funds for name of school, type of studies, etc. . He/She is the son/daughter of names of parents of Town . The Ruritan National Foundation is a charitable trust affiliated with Ruritan National, which awards scholarships and grants annually to students nominated by some of the organization’s 950+ Ruritan Clubs. Funds for scholarships and grants come from tax deductible donations made by individuals, companies, organizations and Ruritan Clubs, and from interest on the Foundation’s more than one million dollar endowment. Ruritan Club President last name said, “We are proud to announce the grant to a student of students’s name caliber. It is an honor for him/ her and for our Ruritan Club. The Ruritan National Foundation receives hundreds of applications each year and the selection process is highly competitive.”

Ruritan Club Monthly Meeting Notice/Invitation ____________________ Ruritan Club Contact: Name, address, and phone number FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, date The _ _____ Ruritan Club will hold its monthly dinner meeting on day of week, month and date at time at location . Contact Club President Full Name at phone number for more information about serving your community through Ruritan. Ruritan Club Speaker or Program Notice _______________________ Ruritan Club Contact: Name, address, and phone number FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, date (or hold for release on date) Full name of speaker and title will speak at the next meeting of the Ruritan Club on day of week, month and day at time at the location . The public is invited to attend. Last name will talk about topic plus expanded information about topic . For more information, contact Club President full name at phone number . This club is affiliated with Ruritan National, an organization of 950+ clubs dedicated to building better communities through local community service projects.


Revised 8/2024

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