Ruritan Club and District Officers' Handbook

● Forwarding Email. Ruritans will not forward emails, such as jokes, stories, warnings, news articles, etc., unless specifically requested. The potential for sending computer viruses is a real possibility. If you find it necessary to forward an email that you received, please do your recipients a favor and send only the pertinent information by removing the extraneous information and addresses that appear on the original email.

● Protecting Email Addresses. When sending email to multiple recipients when no reply is expected, please use the “BCC” (Blind Carbon Copy) recipient line. Names and addresses in an email’s BCC section cannot be inadvertently or intentionally added to undesired mailing lists. ● Compliance. Failure to comply with these policies will result in disciplinary action by the applicable governing body 1 , from reprimand to termination of membership upon review of the case presented.

Section 10: Appendix Sample Press Releases

Re-type any stories you use from this manual. Don’t just fill in the blank lines in the sample releases. Each press release should look as if you wrote it yourself. Use Club stationery for a more professional look. All of the sample releases included in this kit are just that, samples! Use your own ideas and your own language. Remember to answer the questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

New Ruritan Club Officers Elected

Contact:: Name, address, and phone number

____________ Ruritan Club


Full name of City or Town was elected President of the Ruritan Club for year at their date meeting. Last name only , a occupation, employer, etc. has been active in a number of community activities including: list activities . Other officers elected at the meeting were: Name, City , Vice-president; Name, City , Secretary; Name, City , Treasurer; and Name, City , for a three year term as Club Director. Last name of President and the other new officers will be installed at the club’s annual installation banquet on date at location . The Ruritan Club regularly holds its monthly meetings on the day of meet ing of each month at location . Contact name for more information. Add information about the club’s activities and use all or part of the “Ruritan Fact Sheet” in this booklet.


Revised 8/2024

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