RM Winter 2016 FLIP

Iwasaki, B., Rasinski, T., Yildirim, K., & Zimmerman, B. S. (2013). Let’s bring back the magic of song for teaching reading. The Reading Teacher , 67(2), 137-141.

Dobbins, J. (2009). Driving my tractor . Cambridge, MA: Barefoot Books.

Galdone, P. (1986). Over in the meadow: An old nursery counting rhyme. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Jalongo, M. R., & Ribblett, D. M. (1997). Using song picture books to support emergent literacy. Childhood Education , 74, 15–22.

Harter, D. (2005). The Animal Boogie. Cambridge, MA :Barefoot Books.

Lems, K. (2002). Music hath charms for literacy in the ESL classroom. Indiana Reading Journal , 34(3), 6-12.

Kovalski, M. (1987). The wheels on the bus . Toronto: Kids Can Press.

Reading Matters Teaching Matters

Mayer, R. E. (2003). The promise of multimedia learning: using the same instructional design methods across different media. Learning and Instruction , 13, 125–139.

Litwin, E. (2011). Pete the cat: Rocking in my school shoes . New York: Harper.

Raffi. (1989). Five little ducks. New York: Crown.

Miller, A., & Coen, D. (1994). The case for music in the schools. Phi Delta Kappan , 75(6), 459-461.

Zelinsky, P. O. (1990). The wheels on the bus . London: Orchard Books. Songs Used in Poetry Instruction

Murphey, T. (1992). The discourse of pop songs. TESOL Quarterly , 26(4), 770-774.

Perry, K. (2013). Roar. On Prism [CD]. California, US: Capitol Records.

Neuman, S. B. (2009). The case for multi-media presentation in learning: a theory of synergy. In A. G. Bus, & S. B. Neuman (Eds.), Multimedia and literacy development: Improving achievement for young learners (pp. 44–56). New York:Taylor & Francis.

Holden, G & Pearson, D. (2012). Home (Recorded by Phillip Phillips). On The World from the Side of the Moon [Digital download]. California, US: Interscope Records. Videos of Children’s Songs/Texts

Overy, K. (2000). Dyslexia, temporal processing and music: The potential of music as an early learning aid for dyslexic children. Psychology of Music , 28(2), 218-229.

Animal boogie . Barefoot Books. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25_ u1GzruQM

Paquette, K. R., & Rieg, S. A. (2008). Using music to support the literacy development of young english language learners. Early Childhood Education Journal , (36), 227-232. doi: 10.1007/s10643-008-0277-9

Over in the meadow . Barefoot Books. https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=C6ljGXMMB-g

Peregoy, S., & Boyle, O. (2008). Reading, writing, and learning in ESL (5th ed.). Boston: Pearson.

Pete the cat: Rocking in my school shoes. Video performance. https://www.youtube. com/watch?t=35&v=yrhnMAzDeHY The wheels on the bus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzrjwOQpAl0  Susan King Fullerton is an associate professor in Literacy, Language, and Culture at Clemson University where she teaches instructional strategies, literacy foundations, guided reading, and children’s literature. She is co-author with Janice Almasi of Teaching Strategic Processes in Reading (2nd edition). Her research focuses on comprehension, literature discussion, literacy and technology, and at-risk learners.

Shamir, A., & Shlafer, I. (2011). E-books effectiveness in promoting phonological awareness and concept about print: A comparison between children at risk for learning disabilities and typically developing kindergarteners. Computers & Education , 57, 1989-1997.

Smith, J. A. (2000). Singing and songwriting support early literacy instruction. The Reading Teacher , 53(8), 646-649.

Yopp, H. K. (1995). Test for assessing phonemic awareness in young children. The Reading Teacher , 49, 20-29.

Yopp, H. K., & Yopp, R. H. (2000). Supporting phonemic awareness development in the classroom. The Reading Teacher , 54(2), 130-143. Children’s Literature References

Julianne Turowetz is now a graduate of Clemson University’s Eugene T. Moore School of Education with an emphasis in Literacy, Culture, and Diversity.

Andreae, G., & Laurie, H. (2002). Giraffes can’t dance . London, Orchard. Orchard.

Ashburn, B. (2010). Over at the castle . New York: Abrams Books for Young Readers.

Berkes, M. (2008). Over in the arctic . Nevada City, CA: Dawn Publications.

Berkes, M. (2011). Over in Australia: Amazing animals down under . Nevada City, CA: Dawn Publications.

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